Monday, December 30, 2019

Kacang panjang masak tauco

Kacang panjang masak tauco
Long Bean with bean paste.

This was the fist time I tried cooking long Bean with bean paste...and turned out to be delicious.
Stir fry
3 onion finely chopped.
3 garlic chopped.
1 chilly cut up
Long Bean, cut about 3 cms (about 350 grand, sorry I did not weigh the bean)
1 teaspoon oyster sauce
Enough salty sauce
0,5 teaspoon beanpaste.
250cc water to soften the bean.
Cook until the bean is tender.

Ternyata enak juga kacang panjang dimasak tauco

3 buah bawang merah cincang
3 buah bawang putih
1 buah cabe merah besar, iris
Masukkan kacang panjang
1 sdt saus tiram
Kecap asin secukupnya
0.5 sdt tauco
0.5 gelas air utk melunakkan kacang
Masak sampai air kering dan kacang matang.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Japanese Fried Tofu

Japanese Fried Tofu

A sister from Japan taught me to cook this dish.
But Kenan did the cooking... Fry tofu in a non sticky pot with little oil
Stir fry crushed garlic
Add oyster sauce
Japanese ketchup
Add a little water
Thicken the water with tapioca powder that has been diluted in water.
Add the fried tofu, mix and ready.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Nonton film: The Captain

Nonton film: The Captain

Imbd rating is 6/10
My rating is 9/10

A Splendid movie, based on the real event, about how the Captain of the Sichuan airplane flight 8633 , exerted all of his skills and years of experience to save the plane, all the passengers and crews when the air pressures cracked the cockpit window and sucked out the co-pilot out of the window.

What did the Captain do to save the co pilot whose upper body was outside the window?

What decision did the captain take when he could not fly through the circling dark clouds that were blocking their way to the nearest airport?

How could the air stewardess persuaded the panicked and chaostic passengers to be seated and cooperated?

Find the answers in this worth watching movie...

Enjoy the moments of romance too that colour this true event movie.

More information about Captain
Liu Chuanjian as follows...
"Liu Chuanjian was an instructor at a PLA flight college for 10 years before he joined the airline and ex-colleague says he was ‘one in a thousand’ an instructor at a PLA flight college for 10 years before he joined the airline and ex-colleague says he was ‘one in a thousand’”...
read on the original news

Wednesday, December 11, 2019



Kue beraroma kayu manis yg bikin kangen

Kocok 20 menit dg kecepatan tinggi
7 buah telor
125 gram palm suiker
65 gram gula pasir

Kurangi kecepatan menjadi 1 (paling rendah)
Masukkan sbb:
180 gram terigu
  20 gram susu bubuk
 110 gram margarine
 1 sdt kayu manis
 0.25 sdt merica
Sedikit bubuk pala
Masukkan ke loyang yg sdh dioles mentega
Taburi dg almond cincang
Panggang di oven kira2 15 sd 20 menit 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Nonton film: American Factory

Nonton film: American Factory

Imbd 7.6/10

It has been a long time since I posted the last synopsis. It's because the movies I watched recently not worth commenting.

This time I would like to comment about American Factory.
It is a documentary movie that was well made so that we, those who watch, do not feel bored following the course of the story.

The synopsis:
When the General Motor in Ohio America closed down, a lot of workers lost their job and their life became so difficult.
Then came a businessman from China invested his money. He bought the company and change it to glass factory. A lot of people who lost the job found this investment relieving their unemployment problem.

The problem was that there were differences in cultures and principles that created a lot of problems. The Chinese workers were hardworking and ready to work even on weekends and they worked like machines. Having this culture in mind made the chinese think that the westerners were too slow in working.

In the eyes of the Americans, the Chinese were too machines and not feeling bored, not feeling tired, and ready to take high risk and low in safety.
When there were accidents in that factory then came the problem that the Chinese had been afraid of, the worker union. The Chinese boss thought that the worker union would make the workers go on strike and he had stressed it in the beginning of the investment that if the union interfere the factory then he would close down the company.

Find out how the two sides, the Americans and the Chineses came to agreement and compromise the differences...

It was also stressed in the movie that in the near future humans would be replaced by machines..and it is estimated that by the 2030, 375 millions people would lose their jobs.
Are we ready for this change?