Monday, September 17, 2018

TOEICTest of English for International Communication

  • Test of English for International Communication

Adalah test yg mengukur kemampuan komunikasi dlm bhs inggris.

ITC adalah International Test Center yaitu lembaga yg menyelenggarakan test dan sertifikasi  bhs Inggris bertaraf internasional.

Info biaya test TOEFL dan TOEIC
Lihat link sbb

Sblm lanjut saya mau review buku toeic dari Barron edisi ke 5.
Buku ini sih cukup bagus, krn meski tebalnya 638 halaman tapi bukunya cukup ringan. Kertasnya kertas buram tapi kualitas buramnya bagus, dan kualitas cetakan dan foto2 sangat jelas.
Harga buku 160ribu (termasuk 1 CD room berisi soal2 listening dan latihan listening)
Semua soal latihan ada jawaban dan yg terutama paling penting adalah buku tsb juga menyediakan penjelasannya.
Bukunya seperti ini covernya...

Di dalamnya ada 4 model test

Berkut ini hanyalah catatan belajar saya (L is I, and S is my student)
Model Test 1
L Listening 94%=495
L Reading .  87%=430 .total 925

S Reading 83%= 410

Model test 2
L listening 91%=495
L Reading 91%= 455 total 950  (meski ini model test ke 2 tapi sy ngerjain sth model test 3 and 1, jadi mungkin ada peningkatan krn kami udah selesaikan 42 target reading (halaman 142-284 hanya dalam waktu 8 x 1,5 jam)

Model test 3
L Listening  correct no 86/100 score 475
L Reading   correct no 91/100 score 455
Total score 930

S listening 93/100 score 495
S Reading  78/100 score 385
Total 880

Model Test 4 12 Nov 2018
L Listening 88/100 = 485
L Reading  87/100= 430
Total 915 (this is much below my expectation, bcs some confusing misleading options lead me to choose  some incorrect options)

Mini Test for Reading part 7
L 90%
S 88%

Rata2 hasil test Barron adalah 930

P Listening 97/100 = 495

Second book LONGMAN Lin Lougheed
Hal 283 Practice Test 1
L: listening 82/100 =450
L: reading 94/100 = 480
L; Total 930

S: listening  94/100 = 495
S: reading 

Practice Test 2
S; Listening 92/100 = 495

Buku kedua yg saya pakai adalah buku TOEIC yg udah cukup jadul. (Udah dibeli dari dulu tapi ga kesentuh krn sibuk!!!)
Listening part terdiri dari
PART 1:   1- 10 Listen and match with the picture
PART 2 : 11-40 Listen and choose the correct response (options A B C is read)
PART 3: 41-70 Listen to a conversation  and choose the correct response (read A B C D options and choose the answer)
PART 4: 71-100 Listen to a talk and choose the correct response (read ABCD options and choose the answer)

PART 1                  PART 2 no 21-50                    PART 3                         PART 4
1. A        11.C          21. B        31.A        41. B     51. B   61. B    71.D      81.A       91.B
2. D        12. B         22. A       32. C       42. B     52. A   62. A    72. C      82.C       92.D
3. B        13. B         23. A       33. A       43. B     53.C    63. B    73.  B     83.  D     93. B
4. C.       14. A         24. A       34. B       44. A     54. A   64. D    74. B      84. D      94. C
5. D        15. D         25. C       35. C       45. C     55. C   65. A    75. D      85. B      95.D
6. B        16. C         26. B        36. C       46. A    56. C   66.C      76. C      86. B      96. C
7. A        17. A         27. A        37. C       47. C    57. A   67. B     77. C      87. A      97. A
8. D        18. A         28. C        38. C       48. A    58. B   68. B     78. B      88. A      98. C
9. D        19. B         29. C        39. A       49. B    59. D   69. C     79. B      89.C       99.B
10. A      20. B         30. A        40. A       50. C     60. C  70. A      80. C      90.B     100. D

Hal 301 Reading Test
101 sd 200
L94= 480

Practice 2
Reading 101 sd 200
L 80=395

Things worth noticing from page 153 NOUNS
Soal2 biasanya berisi memasangkan noun dg kata yg tepat atau mencari noun yg tepat utk melengkapi kalimat!
1. Boxes of toner
2. a three-month probation period
3. an outside line
4. Contact information
5.  commerce department
6. Computer monitor
7. The plane arrives at F terminal
8. Employee lounge
9. Compare massage and message
10. Workman's compesation
K 90 P 90 L 90

Page 154 Verbs
1. Neglect to tell
2. Make a left
3. Come to work in casual clothes on Fridays.
4. Looking for (pay att to the proper presposition)
5. have lunch vs make lunch
6. object + to + Verb ing  example:object to playing the radio during the work.
7. Take it personally
8. Check out the hotel
9. Recommend ... for...
10. Studying International business
L 70

1. It is rude to...
2. It is scary to give a presentation in front of many stangers.
3. Lovable. Her  cute way of smiling is completely lovable.
4. Appropriate. It is not appropriate to wear t shirt to work.
5. Big trouble. You are going to be in a big trouble if you are nit on time.
6. Odd. It is very odd finding her wearing a wig.
7. Amazing. It is amazing to see how quickly she can do all of the tasks.
8. Complete. A complete overhaul is needed.
9. Higher than. My sales figures this month is higher that they were last month.
10. Costly. These renovations are really costly
L 90

Tepid : suam2 kuku
Federal commerce: bagian negara yg mengawasi soal perdagangan.
Employee lounge: tempat di dlm perusahaan/kantor bagi karyawan yg ingin rekreasi sebentar melepas stress.
Make a left : belok kiri
Boxes of toner: toner mesin fotokopi dibungkus dlm btk kemasan kotak

Page 159 ADVERBS.
1. sadly accept your resignation.
2. Copy it skillfully.
3. Sold roughly twice than a year ago
4. You obviously would not object to his idea, right?
5. Frankly speaking, I don't understand what he means.
6. I am extremely pleased with your achievement.
7. He originally wanted to see her, but he has changed his mind.
8. My boss currently uses a program for the finance system.
9. You have proggress reasonably well.
10. Have you thought about it seriously??

Page 161 Conjunction.
1. I have seen it since it was fist distributed.
2. He will continue working until his replacement has been trained.
3. She got not only a substatial raise but also a large bonus.
4. Unless you come up with a better idea, let's try out my suggestion.
5. Both you and I are being tranferred to London office.
6. I'll visit you as soon as I have checked into the hotel.
7. Why didn't you tell us that you had decided to move to another country?
8. Neither you nor I were aware that the deadline had passed.
9. Once you have finished this work, please do the financial report.
10. If you are busy I will not disturb you.

Page 163 Preposition.
1. Please file this under Payment pending.
2. When did you say you were leaving for London?
3. In a business letter, you should put a colon after the greeting.
4. I have lived in Jakarta for 20 years.
5. Please attached this to the letter.
6. By the time you read this letter, I'll be leaving for Nigeria.
7. Oh no... my pin is rolling behind the refrigerator.
8. I don't like driving in heavy traffic.
9. Please come in for interview next week at 9 A.M.
10. I was late bcs I had to drive around for 20 minutes looking for parking.

Page 165 word form: Nouns
Which one is the noun?
1. your.... accepted/ acceptance/accept/acceptable.
2. The.... restrictions/restricted/restricting/restricted.
3. Employee.... in this company will be beneficiao foe everyone. invest/invested/investements/investing.
4. There is a $1000 .... penalize/penalty/penal/penalizing
5. The manager's.... projection/projecting/project/projected.
6. We had no other.... optimal/optimum/opt/option.
7. My ..... priority/prior/prioritize/priors.
8. An.... inspection/inspecting/inspect/inspected.
9. The... rely/reliable/reliant/reliability.
10. The bad..... economical/economize/economic/economy.

Page 167 word form: verbs
which one is the verb?
1. Please.... the accusation.  substantial/substance/substantiate/substantially.
2. Experts..... expectable/expect/expectation/expectant.
3. Do you...... intend/intent/intention/intently.
4. We do our best to.... entertainment/entertainer/entertain.
5. The auditors.... preference/preferable/preferential/prefer.
6. I love to.... collection/collect/collectible/collector.
7. They..... dictraction/ dictracter/distract/distracting.
8. We would like to..... emphasize/emphatic/emphasis/emphatically.
9. They.....  voluntary/volunteerism/volunteer/voluntary.
10. We must.... calculable/calculation/calculate/calculator.

Hal 169 word form: adjective
1. .... for the ccuracy of their work account/accountant/accountable/accountability.
2. Her.... parking space own/owner/owe/owing.
3. The ....power reality/realism/really/real.
4. He is a .... leader  progressive/progress/progression/progessively.
5. He is a...... person friend/friendliness/friendly/friendship.
6. The.... stage of development  experimenter/experiment/experimentation/experimental
7. The loyalty she has from her staff is .... of what a good manager she is.
8. ......approach  methodical/methodology/method/methodically.
9. .....passport .validity/validation/validate/valid.
10. The most.... plan  comprehend/comprehensive/comprehensively/comprehension.
L 100

Hal 171 word form:adverb
1. Do it..... really/reality/realistic/realistically.
2. Audited.... periodical/ period/periodically/periodic.
3. ....waiting  anxiously/anxious/anxiety/anxiousness.
4. Has.....advised  reliably/reliable/realibility/rely
5. She....delivered the speech. Impressive/impression/impressively/impressive.
6. ....organized  profess/professional/proffession/proffessionally.
7. ....speaking generally/generality/general/generalize.
8...... wrapped  individuality/individually/individual/individualize.
9.....decorated expend/expensive/expensively/expense.
10....late habitually/habituate/habitual/ habit.

Page 173 word form: pronouns
1,  The goverment protects.... citizens  its/it's/it/their.
2. ....and I  her/she/hers/we
3.  The care of ....   them/they/their/its
4. All of .... we/our/us/ours.
5. It is not his. It is.... me/mine/my/I
6. laid of    him/his/he/they.
7. My computer has  a lot of memory,but .... has more.   She/hers/her/it.
8..... is not a good business practice.   He/it/she/you
9. When ....probation period is up you/your/yours/our.
10. The police were right when...... advised us.    It/she/them/they

Hal 175 more practice
1. Call the warehouse to check the stock.
2. Hotel room rates always go up during the tourist season.
3. You will be reimbursed for all of your expenses on the trip.
4. He is taking a week'leave of absence.
5. Her speeches are too much lenghty because she loves listening to hershelf speak.
6. The lab test results are not acurate.
7. He handled that delicate matter very diplomatically.
8. You can have a four-day work week as long as you stay two hours later each day.
9. She is still coming to work even though she has a flu.
10. If you happen to drive by my house stop in for a cup of coffee.
11. The first record of an import/export business go back to 3500B,C.
12. Her familiarity to the procedures should be good for our office.
13. I cannot read your notation you made.
14. We need to finalize our expansion plan as soon as possible.
15. I hear the goverment is going to investigate some peculiar dealings on Wall Street.
16. Mr Jones's odd behaviour is beginning to worry many of us.
17. That was a fantastic research job you did for the company.
18. Please remember to deal cautiously with our competitors during the negotiations.
19. My friend Bruno likes everybody he meets.
20. I misses the news at 6:00, but can watch it at 11:00

Hal. 180 (you need the book to see the questions)
These are the corrections that can make the sentences correct.
1. C. practises.
2. B. am expecting.
3. C. lowers
4. B look
5. D vacuuming
6. C. Means
7. A speaks
8. A. Sitting
9. A. Loves
10. C. Stays

Hal 182 present perfect.
Pay attention to for and since
1. B has become easier since the invention of the fax machine and email.
2. B we cannot she her bcs she is meeting with the attorneys.
3. A The CEO has insisted...since our problem started.
4. Our company hasn't used their service since their rates went up, and changed their schedules.
5. D I keep forgetting how long you have lived in this city.
6. A We haven't hired new employees since last month...
7. B We haven't had a vacation for 2 years, so we are thinking about...
8. B everyone is impressed when they find out that...
9. D She isn't leaving until she certifies the figures which the auditors sent her over the past 3 weeks.
10. D. I realize that you want to go to that restaurant, but they haven't served good food for quite a while.

Hal 184 Present Perfect Progressive
1. A We have had 2 raises (not have been having, pay attention to the verb have)
2. D Which  project have you liked the most?( Do not change like to progressive)
3. D She hasn't been taking (she has not taken) as business trips as she used to.
4. A She has been managing our department since 1993.
5. B I do not feel very well even thoughI have been taking vitamins.
6. C He has been doing the same job fro over 10 years.
7. B I am sorry but I haven't been paying attention bcs all of that noise in the next office is driving me crazy.
8. C??? Maybe has implemented, has changed?? ( I do not understand the sentence)
9. A She has been noticing that the employees aren't happy with the rules she is enforcing.
10. C We have moved 3 times since the company started building renovations.

Hal 186 Simple Past
1. D  I haven't had a chance to call the travel agent and ask her if she has booked a room for me.
2. A Mr. Campbell, who began teaching in the 1960's....
3. D Did you make a list of those who are willing to stay late?
4. B Before they went on a strike, they didn't have good working conditions.
5. D Yesterday... I deleted them all.
6. D I think they are error in them.
7. D where the company first opened its doors.
8. A The last report that the government published...
9. C She came late and had been absent for 4 times.
10.B The moment I saw you I said to myself...

Hal 188 Past Progressive
1.A The manager told me that...(not telling...)
2.C She was not planning to check those invoices until she had finished all the paperwork she had on her desk.
3.B As I was entering the lobby, the front desk clerk called me over to tell me he had two packages for me.
4. B Mrs. Barnes was driving to work when the accident happened.
5. B Were you sleeping when I walked into your office?
6. D I had tried to speak to you 3 times.
7. A The boss decided... ( not was deciding)
8. C Because you were talking to me, I was not paying attention when the copy machine was out of toner and only blank sheets were coming out.
9. A Jeff's wife missed him when she stopped in for a visit...
10. D When the Research Department started working on a new shampoo, we received phone from other researchers who were working on the same kind of project.

Hal 190 The Past Perfect
1. A When I called you last night, I knew you would be busy...
2. C. The flight we were planning to take was cancelled because the captain had noticed a problem and called for repairs.
3.D I didn't know that they had planned a celebration for me.
4. D The comptroller wanted to know if you checked over the report he had left on your desk.
5. B The machine had nokt worked again for the 4th time this month.
6. B Her new head chef, who had got his training at culinary schools in Europe, would help her increase business and make her restaurant famous.
7. D If you need to now why Jenkins was fired, it was because we had caught him stealing tools.
8. C He had asked...before he finally found somebody to agree.
9. A Because the cyclone had damaged the runaways at both airports, all businesses were severely affected...
10. C She had never stopped believing in her dream even when nobody else belived her.

Hal 192 Subject-verb agreement
1. B furniture is singular. The furniture has just arrived....
2. A News is singular noun. The news was not optimistic
3. A. A number of people is a plural noun. A number of people who work...
4. B  Staff is singular. The staff, which has not been working under a contract over a year, is thinking about striking.
5.B The board of directors is singular. The board of the directors  has not decided yet who is better qualified for...
6. A everybody is singular  noun. When everybody gets here.
7. A. The mailroom together with the copy center are being revonated
8. B  Members is a plural noun. Because all of our members vote to have a retreat each year but only half attend....
9. A The United States is singular. The US has sent a report to WHO...
10. D politics is singular. Politics is at the top list.

Hal 194 Modal Auxiliaries.
1. A  I should tell not I should to tell.
2. B he should do it privately
3.  C Can u help me is better that may u help me.
4. C They can have the food prepared for the guests.
5. B you might ask
6. D ought to
7. D You can see our building
8.B Must every body decide...
9. A might strike
10. B should be (seharusnya)
L 70

Hal 196 Infinitives
1. C want to do not want do
2. A can't expect not can't to expect.
3. D cause people to miss out instead of cause people miss out
4. A don't complain instead of don't to complain
5. C it allows him to relax not relaxing.
6. B in order to increase, instead of im order increase
7. C included to help not included help
8. C to honor and to name not name
9. C because doing so, instead of because do so
10. A not to give bonuses, not to giving

Hal 198 Gerunds
Practice J
1. A I enjoy getting togethet
2. C Driving to work
3. B Finish doing that
4. A Openinh a new business
5. B Can't avoid paying
6. C I keep falling asleep
7. C they plant to return
8. C consider investing
9. B people appreciate getting compliments
10. A He got throuh writting the report.

Practice K Added Verbals
1. B had completed her work fixing the PCs
2. C he had used...
3. B write a note to thank them
4. A when you called
5. C since she is from
6. B having taken the time.
7. A whenever he gets back
8. B thought about changing
9. B the food was cold.
10. A have you ever thought

Practise L missing verbs
1. A The board (missing verb,maybe: said) that they will look into...
2. B Ms. Jansen forgot, it was me...
3. A The letter carrier, not paying attention to...
4. C ...and they were gathering at the windows?
5. C ...and put the report.
6. A why did you file...?
7. C because he has an important...
8. B Gretha had forgotten to...
9. C everytime we make a memo..
10. A You are a hard worker, Hank....

Practice A
1. B give me information
2. D the engine has a defective part.
3. A the government not a government.
4. B we are having chicken...
5. A All company client records...
6. B I have homework not homeworks.
7. A we need an assistant...
8. D before we can get a table.
9. C they will attend the law enforcement conference.
10. D last week not the last week.

Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
Practice B
1. B Some of her stocks, not some of hers stocks.
2. B my dog not mine dog.
3. D I think yours was right, not you was right.
4. C its party room was large, not it's party...
5. D your note are more complete, not yours note.
6. B our guess not ours guess
7. B those large speakers of his,  not of him
8. A I don't know whose car not who's car.
9. B yours truly, not your truly.
10. B mind my calling, not mind mine calling

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