Monday, October 15, 2018

English Speaking composition Making Composition

                            MAKING A COMPOSITION

Making composition is a difficult thing to do for me because I DON'T LIKE it. I think this is a skill that not every one has. And NOT every one was born to be a story writer or a journalist. The same thing, some people were not born to be painters and singers etc. When we are trying to do the things we were not born to, sometimes the result is chaos. And someone will say about you: " The way you sing is out of tune, the picture you draw is not good, or the writing you wrote in boring..."

SO are we not supposed to do things that we are not talented to??

A mother who is not a chef can not always eat out to prepare food for the family... sometimes there are times when she has to cook herself when the family do not have time to go out to eat or when somebody in the family is sick at home.

A father who cannot sew does not mean he can not hep himself to button the loosed button or sew the small torn of a piece of clothes....

Somebody who always sings out of tune....when he/she is sad, is it NOT allowed to sing a consolation song? Or when the person is happy to sing his/her favorite song, does anybody should prevent him/her from singing?
I do not think our society will treat him/her they way they treat Cacofonix in Asterix's books... :)

credit picture: re-uploaded from Google site... 

So the same thing with composition, one day you will be faced in a condition when you need to write or compose. So WHY not try once in a while to write a composition, just to make your mind sharp and clear??

The benefit of composition
One good thing about making composition is that it makes you think more clearly, because you have to write it down, and you will re-read your composition and maybe you can CHANGE your mind or you alter the WAY to say it because you want to make it clearer or softer, rather than being too straightforward or being too frank....

Why making composition is good? When  you write you will ask the following questions...
1. What is the PURPOSE of the writing. WHY are you writing that composition.
2. WHO is the audience. Are you directing your writing to a specific group of people or people in general.
3. HOW you can make the composition understandable?
4. WHAT evidence you can present to support your opinion. Think about mentioning statistics, articles or expert opinions to support your writing.

Bearing those things in mind, you will judge your own writing and make changes that you think necessary to make the writing more appealing, interesting and clearer.

Have your ever heard the saying: PUT IT IN WRITING... Yes, it is a saying that is correct because we may forget what we have agreed with someone else. By putting it in writing we are trying to make it clear the details of the agreement to avoid misunderstanding in the future.

To some extent writing a composition will train you to put your thoughts in writing the way other people can understand it.

Even when you think that you are not a good writer, why don't you start writing your thoughts and experience in writing? I am sure someday you will cherish one or many many of your own writings.

The following is an example simple composition...

My Favorite TV Show

foto credit Animal Planet
My favorite TV Show is Animal Planet. I can learn many things about animals.
Sometimes they so look funny that I want to touch them. But sometimes I can feel terrified because they look ferocious and dangerous, especially when they hunt and eat the preys.

From the show, I know that sometimes they live in a difficult environment. It is not easy for them to survive, but how they use their instinct to overcome the difficult condition is amazing.  Their wonderful ability reminds me how the Creator has equipped them to use instinct to find the way to survival.

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