Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nasi siram Caisim

Nasi siram Caisim

3 bawang putih cincang
Dg 2 sdm minyak ditumis.
1 buah telur kocok dg garpu dan masukkan ke tumisan.
Tambahkan 100ml air. Tunggu mendidih.
100 gram daging iris balur dg 2 sdm tepung kanji, masukkan ke dalam rebusan. Tunggu 5 menut sampai daging matang.
Masukkan caisim yg sdh dipotong. Aduk selama 5 menit.
Bumbui dg garam,gula,merica, kecap asin.
Siram ke atas nasi.

3 garlic crushed and chopped
150 gram of green vegetable (mustard greens)
100 gram meat slice
1 egg beat with fork
3 spoons of cassava flour.

Heat the pot with 2 spoons of oil stir fry the garlic. Wait until the garlic becomes golden and pour the egg inside and stir it.
Add some 100ml of water to the pot, wait until the water boils.
Mix the meat with salt/ salty sauce, drop it slice by slice to the flour and then put into the hot pot.
Wait 5 minutes to make sure the slices meat are done and put inside the veggie...stir about 3 minutes and add some salt, a little sugar, pepper, salty sauce.
Pour on the top of a plate of rice.

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