Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Uncle Tan's Braised Pork Ribs

Uncle Tan Braised Pork Ribs


Resep dlm bhs inggris, terjemahan di dlm kurung atau di baris berikutnya
In the brackets  or the next line is the indonesian translation.

Uncle Tan's Braised Pork Ribs

1kg pork ribs or soft bone (daging iga atau tulang lunak)
2 tbsp oil (2 sdt minyak)
40g galangal (lengkuas keprek)
40g ginger (jahe keprek)
1 tsp coriander powder (ketumbar)
2 sticks cinnamon (10cm kayu manis)
2 star anise (2 buah bunga pekak)
1tbsp bean paste (1 sdt tauco)
12 cloves garlic (12 bawang putih keprek)
2 tbsp dark soy sauce (2 sdm kecap manis)
1 tsp sugar (1 sdm gula)

Place pork ribs in a colander, pour boiling water over it and drain well.
Taruh daging di saringan dan siram air mendidih dan buang airnya.

Stir fry galangal, ginger, coriander powder, cinnamon, star anise and bean paste with 2 spoons of oil. Add the pork ribs to the pot and continue frying for 5 more minutes.
Tumis bumbu lalu masukkan daging.

Add garlic, dark soy sauce and sugar to the pot and mix well. Pour in enough water or stock to just cover the ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to very low, cover and cook for about 2 hours until the meat is tender.

Dalam panci lain isi dg air secukupnya 400cc, masukkan dan aduk bawang putih,kecap dan gula lalu masukkan daging.  Masak dg api kecil selama 2 jam (pakai slow cooker juga boleh)

Bring the gravy to a boil and add more dark soy sauce and/or sugar according to taste. Something I do which is optional is to add a little corn or potato starch to thicken and add a sheen to the sauce.
Kuah daging bisa dikentalkan sbg saus dg menambahkan tepung tapioka yg diaduk dg air dan rebus sampai kental.

Pour the sauce back onto the ribs and serve with rice or noodles.

Tuang saus ke atas daging.

Not in the recipe but this is what I did to the meat: pan seared the rib to make it chrunchy.

Served with pickled chinese cabbage

Ga  ada di resepnya...tapi dagingnya aku panggang di teflon dg 1 sdm minyak wijen agar garing2 dan chrunchy... Hidangkan dg sayur asin...

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