Thursday, August 8, 2019

Sambal Minyak, Hot Chilli Oil

Sambal minyak, prepared by Phoebe


Cabe minyak/ hot chilli oil

Campur bahan berikut ke wadah stainless steel/ gelas kaca tebal yg tahan panas.
0.5 ons cabe kering ditumbuk
3 bawang putih digeprek
1 sdt Wijen
0.5 sdt garam

Panaskan 100ml minyak
Tambahkan bunga pekak star anise
Kayu manis
Angkat dan buang rempah2nya
Siram minyak panas ke campuran sambal


Prepare chilly in a stainles steel mug or hot resistant glass.
50 gram dry chilli crush finely with dry container of blender
3 garlic chopped finely
1 sdt sesame
0.5 sdt salt

Heat up100ml oil
Put inside the 2 star anise
5 cm cinnamon
3 bay leaf
Remove the star anise,cinnamon and bayleaf.
Pour the aromatic oil to the chilli

Sambal rasanya mantap...

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