Monday, December 30, 2019

Kacang panjang masak tauco

Kacang panjang masak tauco
Long Bean with bean paste.

This was the fist time I tried cooking long Bean with bean paste...and turned out to be delicious.
Stir fry
3 onion finely chopped.
3 garlic chopped.
1 chilly cut up
Long Bean, cut about 3 cms (about 350 grand, sorry I did not weigh the bean)
1 teaspoon oyster sauce
Enough salty sauce
0,5 teaspoon beanpaste.
250cc water to soften the bean.
Cook until the bean is tender.

Ternyata enak juga kacang panjang dimasak tauco

3 buah bawang merah cincang
3 buah bawang putih
1 buah cabe merah besar, iris
Masukkan kacang panjang
1 sdt saus tiram
Kecap asin secukupnya
0.5 sdt tauco
0.5 gelas air utk melunakkan kacang
Masak sampai air kering dan kacang matang.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Japanese Fried Tofu

Japanese Fried Tofu

A sister from Japan taught me to cook this dish.
But Kenan did the cooking... Fry tofu in a non sticky pot with little oil
Stir fry crushed garlic
Add oyster sauce
Japanese ketchup
Add a little water
Thicken the water with tapioca powder that has been diluted in water.
Add the fried tofu, mix and ready.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Nonton film: The Captain

Nonton film: The Captain

Imbd rating is 6/10
My rating is 9/10

A Splendid movie, based on the real event, about how the Captain of the Sichuan airplane flight 8633 , exerted all of his skills and years of experience to save the plane, all the passengers and crews when the air pressures cracked the cockpit window and sucked out the co-pilot out of the window.

What did the Captain do to save the co pilot whose upper body was outside the window?

What decision did the captain take when he could not fly through the circling dark clouds that were blocking their way to the nearest airport?

How could the air stewardess persuaded the panicked and chaostic passengers to be seated and cooperated?

Find the answers in this worth watching movie...

Enjoy the moments of romance too that colour this true event movie.

More information about Captain
Liu Chuanjian as follows...
"Liu Chuanjian was an instructor at a PLA flight college for 10 years before he joined the airline and ex-colleague says he was ‘one in a thousand’ an instructor at a PLA flight college for 10 years before he joined the airline and ex-colleague says he was ‘one in a thousand’”...
read on the original news

Wednesday, December 11, 2019



Kue beraroma kayu manis yg bikin kangen

Kocok 20 menit dg kecepatan tinggi
7 buah telor
125 gram palm suiker
65 gram gula pasir

Kurangi kecepatan menjadi 1 (paling rendah)
Masukkan sbb:
180 gram terigu
  20 gram susu bubuk
 110 gram margarine
 1 sdt kayu manis
 0.25 sdt merica
Sedikit bubuk pala
Masukkan ke loyang yg sdh dioles mentega
Taburi dg almond cincang
Panggang di oven kira2 15 sd 20 menit 

Friday, December 6, 2019

Nonton film: American Factory

Nonton film: American Factory

Imbd 7.6/10

It has been a long time since I posted the last synopsis. It's because the movies I watched recently not worth commenting.

This time I would like to comment about American Factory.
It is a documentary movie that was well made so that we, those who watch, do not feel bored following the course of the story.

The synopsis:
When the General Motor in Ohio America closed down, a lot of workers lost their job and their life became so difficult.
Then came a businessman from China invested his money. He bought the company and change it to glass factory. A lot of people who lost the job found this investment relieving their unemployment problem.

The problem was that there were differences in cultures and principles that created a lot of problems. The Chinese workers were hardworking and ready to work even on weekends and they worked like machines. Having this culture in mind made the chinese think that the westerners were too slow in working.

In the eyes of the Americans, the Chinese were too machines and not feeling bored, not feeling tired, and ready to take high risk and low in safety.
When there were accidents in that factory then came the problem that the Chinese had been afraid of, the worker union. The Chinese boss thought that the worker union would make the workers go on strike and he had stressed it in the beginning of the investment that if the union interfere the factory then he would close down the company.

Find out how the two sides, the Americans and the Chineses came to agreement and compromise the differences...

It was also stressed in the movie that in the near future humans would be replaced by machines..and it is estimated that by the 2030, 375 millions people would lose their jobs.
Are we ready for this change?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Upbuilding information from

Upbuilding information.

No matter where we live or what we do, we always face pressures, challenges, problems, or disatisfaction. It is only natural if we feel one of those problems.

Where can we find comfort, help, and energy to fight, to overcome, to go on doing the right things?

Lagi stress karena ada problem?
Hidup memang tidak bisa tidak ada problem. Gimana cara mengatasinya?
Situs ini memberi tips caranya hadapi problem kita. Ada lebih dari 1.000 bahasa. Tepatnya ada 1.005 bahasa...situs yang paling banyak diterjemahkan...!!! (Wow...)

很多人从这个网站得到秘诀,力量,帮助他们客服问题,也看到别人的经理怎么样改善。这就是 网站。

If you are a parent, you can turn to this page教育儿女

If your problem is with your spouse, how can we get help from this JW site?

Are you a teenager who needs to help yourself in love life。。。then turn to the following link:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mandarin vocabulary

I found these posts in instagram useful for mandarin learners like me.
I would like to share these with you. On the photos you can also see the source of the photos that entitles of the credit.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Kembang kol panggang...

Kembang kol panggang...
Sensasinya beda dg capcay yg berkuah...tapi lebih harum krn terpanggang...
(Tapi apakah nutrisinya masih utuh ya? Krn kalau terlalu panas atau terlalu lama dimasak, katanya nutrisinya akan hilang...tapi ide masak cara western ini memang menurutku enak juga n bikin lebih variatif)

Tumis udang dan daging iris, tambahkan bawang putih, kecap asin, merica.

Bahan sayur: wortel, kambang kol dan buncis.

Dg 0,5 sdm minyak wijen tumis kembang kol dan wortel, aduk..
Tambahkan 150ml air agar kembang kol bisa lebih cepat lunak,masukkan buncis..aduk sesekali hingga air semua mengering dan timbul bau panggang.
Tambahkan kecap asin, garam, merica putih, merica hitam, smoked paprika.
Angkat dan tabur dg topping

The sensation is quite different from the chinese way of cooling Cap Cay...there is the smoked smell that I like. But I wonder if this way of cooking is healthy? I mean I heard that cooking veggie too long will lose the nutrients...anyway I like this western idea bcs make my cooking more varied)

Stir fry chopped shrimps (shell still intact) dan sliced meat, add garlic, and salt, pepper, salty sauce.

Carrot, cauliflower, beans.

With 0,5 tablespoon of sesame oil, stir fry carrot and cauliflower. Add 150ml water and beans, stir occasionally. Add salty sauce, salt, pepper, black pepper, smoked paprika. Stir until the water is gone and here comes the burning smell...and this is the time to take out the veggie and put it on the plate.
Sprinkle topping.

Tumis buncis

Stir fried bean...Tumis buncis...

Dunno why tapi koq sayur ini rasanya enak banget... Tumis udang cincang.
Masukkan daging iris
Tumis sd kering...bumbui dg garam and kecap asin
Masukkan 300 gram buncis yg diiris tipis..tambahkan 100 ml air
Aduk terus dan tambahkan
Gula, garam, kecap asin, kecap manis, smoked paprika, merica, black pepper.
Setelah diangkat taburi dg wijen.

Stir fry chopped shrimps
Add some sliced meat..
Keep stiring, add some salt and salty sauce.
Add 300 gram beans that has been cut finely..add 100ml water, keep stirring and add some salt, sugar,salty sauce,sweet sauce,smoked paprika, pepper, black pepper.
Serve on a plate and sprinkle with sesame.

Bitter gourd/tumis pare

Bitter gourd/tumis pare

Meski udah diremas dg garam koq tetap pahit ya...pahit2 habis juga dimakan...krn katanya makanan sehat.

3 buah pare iris, remas dg garam, cuci bersih.
Tumis 2 buah telor yg kocok dg  sedikit garam, angkat saat matang.
Tumis 3 buah bawang putih yg dicincang
Masukkan pare dan bumbui dg garam, sedikit gula, kecap asin, merica...masak sampai lembut.
Masukkan telor.
Taburi dg rebon kering.

They said if we wash the bitter gourd with salt, it will not be bitter...but to me it is still bitter... maybe I have to rub it more properly....
Anyway..we finished it though bitter... Fot the sake of being healthy.

3 gourd, cut in pieces the gourd and rub it 0.5 spoon of salt...then wash thoroughly.
Stir fry
2 eggs beat with fork...remove from pot
Stir fry 3 garlic <crushed>
Put in the gourd and season with salt, a bit sugar, salty sauce, pepper..cook until tender.
Put back the egg
Sprinkle with dried salty small shrimps.

Tofu soup

Tofu soup

Tumis daging sapi cincang yg sdh dimarinate kecap asin.
Masukkan udang

Tambahkan minyak wijen dan sedikit lagi minyak utk menumis bumbu sbb:

3 bawang merah cincang
2 bawang putih cincang
1 atau 2 tahu besar yg sdh dipotong dadu besar.
Tumis sampai tahu menguning.
Tambahkan 2 lembar daun bawang cincang dan
Satu cabe merah iris
Kecap asin, garam, merica, smoked paprika, sedikit gula.

Stir fry with little oil beef (has been marinated with salty sauce) and shrimps.
Add a little more oil and sesame oil then add the following:
3 onion chopped finely
2 garlic chopped finely
1 or two tofu (cut like big dices)
Keep stiring fry until the tofu become yellow.
Add sliced spring onions and chilly.
Add salty sauce,salt,pepper,smoked paprika,sugar

Tauge ikan asin

Kalau makan seafood selalu ada menu tauge ikan asin tapi baru kali ini buat sendiri...

1 sdm ikan asin/ sesuai selera
3 bawang putih cincang
1 buah tomat potong dadu
Aduk kira2 2 menit lalu masukkan
1 atau 2 lembar daun bawang iris
Tauge, kecap asin, garam, merica
Tumis sebentar saja...and ready.

If we eat seafood they always have this menu...but I have just had desire to make this dish.
Simple but yummy
Stir fry
1 spoon of chopped salted dried fish.
3 crushed garlic
1 diced cut tomato
Stir fry for 2 mins then add
2 sliced spring onion
Add the bean sprout.
Add salt, pepper, salty sauce. Stir fry only for a while and ready...

Yogurt oats kombuchen

Yogurt oats kombuchen

With mango,grapes, raisin and sesame

Guanxi way of cooking: long bean

Guanxi way of cooking: long bean
Thanks to Pang Hao for the inspiration.

Cut up the long bean into half cm lenght.
Fry the long bean into 4 spoons hot of oils.
Stir 4 to 5 minutes... Drain from the oil.

Cut up 70gram sliced meat stir fry.
Add some crushed garlic and chilly.
Put back the fried long bean back.
Add some salt, sugar, pepper, salty sauce.

It tastes really good.... 20 buah kacang panjang dipotong 0.5 cm terus ditumis  dalam2 sendok makan minyak kira2 4 sd 5 menit, saring dan tiriskan.

70 gram daging iris,  tumis dg 1 sdm minyak lalu masukkan
3 buah bawang putih cincang dan
1 buah cabe merah cincang.
Masukkan garam, gula, merica, kecap asin... Selesai and rasanya hm...rasanya oke loh

Thursday, October 10, 2019

NONTON FILM: The king's letter

NONTON FILM:  The king's letter

Picture from imbd.
Rating imbd 5.5/10

Buat yg belajar mandarin pasti setuju banget bhw mandarin memang bhs yg menantang utk dipelajari. Banyak yg give up alias menyerah krn utk inget2 tulisannya aja setengah mati.
Itulah yg buat saya tertarik mengulas film korea ini.

Film ini adalah kisah nyata dari Raja Sejong yg mengambil resiko yg sangat besar demi menciptakan aksara korea karena rakyatnya buta huruf.

Korea saat itu masih menggunakan aksara China meskipun mereka sudah punya bahasa lisan sendiri.

Keinginannya ditentang oleh para pejabat yg ingin memonopoli kekuasaan dan ingin rakyat tetap bodoh dg tidak punya kemampuam bahasa tulis.

Perjuangan yg didorong oleh rasa kemanusiaan yg ditanamkan oleh sang Pencipta dalam hatinya ini lah yg membuat keinginan yg tidak egois ini akhirnya berhasil.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Mochi, onde wijen, kue mangkok, peyek

Mochi, onde wijen, kue mangkok, peyek

Berikut ini resep dari Bola Deli tepung diupload agar resep tidak hilang krn resepnya berupa flier/lembaran kertas.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Dendeng padang

This recipe is from my sister inlaw
Daging sapi iris rebus dg bawang putih, lengkuas, salam, garam.
Marinate semalam dalam supnya.
Angkat daging dan goreng sebentar dlm minyak.
Dalam supnya masukkan bawang merah dan cabe merah tumbuk dan masukkan kembali daging gorengnya.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sup Chen Padang Family

Sup Chen Padang Family

Daging 500 gram marinate beberapa jam di chiller  dg bumbu soto padang, garam, kunyit bubuk. ( Daging potongan besar), presto 15 menit, goreng dan iris tipis.

Masukkan kembang kol, wortel dan putren (baby corn) dalam kuah daging, rebus sampai matang tambahkan garam secukupnya.

500gram meat, (big chunks)  marinate with Soto padang spices, salt, and ground turmeric for a few hours. Boil in the pressure cooker for 15 minutes. Fry and slice.
In the soup, boil cauliflower, carrot, and baby corn.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Tape ketan

Tape ketan

Tape ketan... Kali ini tapenya manis dan banyak yummy

Masak dg rice cooker
3 gelas beras ketan
3 3/4 air

3 buah ragi kecil tumbuk dan aduk rata dg ketan yg sdh didinginkan.
Taruh dlm wadah kaca tertutup. Alas tutup dg kain handuk kecil.
Diamkan 2 hari...

Cap Cay

Cap cay

much vegetables.. Stir fry the shimps until the colour changes,
Sliced carrot
Add some water cover with the lid.
Add mixture of corn flour and water
Then add sweet mustard.
Add salty sauce, a little sugar, salt and 1 teaspoon of hoisin sauce.

Tumis udang
Tambahkan bawang putih cincang, kembang kol...aduk terus.
Tambahkan air lalu tutup agar sayur lembut.
Tambahkan campuran tepung jagung.
Masukkan sawi manis, aduk sampai melembut.
Tambah garam, sedikit gula, kecap asin, merica dan 1 sdt hoisin.
And ready...

Tim Telor/ steamed egg

Tim telur
Steamed Egg

Cara buatnya gampang banget tapi rasanya lembut dan memanjakan langit2 mulut... Lembut seperti kembang tahu...hayoo..siapa yg suka kembang tahu jahe?
3 telur
1 daun bawang
Kecap asin
200 cc air
2 sdm ikan tengiri yg sdh ditumis
1 sdt Minyak wijen
Campur semua
Kukus 20 menit

Soft texture and spoil your palate and furthermore easy to make.
3 eggs
1 spring onions
Salty sauce
200 cc water
2 spoon fish fillet (already stir fried)
1 teaspoon sesame oil
Mix everything
Steam 20 minutes

Friday, September 6, 2019

Sour and spicy vermicelli/酸辣粉/ Soun asam pedas

Sour and spicy vermicelli/酸辣粉/ Soun asam pedas

Resep diambil dari Chinese Healthy Cook by Ling.
Recipe credit as mention above

Chinese culinary yg khas dan unik...pedas dan asamnya bisa disesuaikan selera..tapi yg saya suka adalah krn taburan kacang tanah.

Rebus soun sampai lunak.
Tumis kacang tanah sampai matang.

500ml air panas, bumbui dg
Kecap asin
Cuka hitam
Sambal minyak
Merica putih
Saya ga punya Sichuan pepper jadi ga pakai.
Cuka apel ( saya tambahkan)
Masukkan soun dan tabur dg daun bawang dan daun ketumbar (saya pakai sedikit, krn ga suka baunya)..and siap.. Boil the vermicelly until tender, take out from water.
Stir fry peanuts

500ml water boil, season with:
Light soy sauce
Black vinegar
Chili oil
White pepper powder
Sichuan pepper powder
Chopped green onions
Chopped cilantro ( you can skip this if you don't like the smell.
I added apple vinegar
Put the vermicelli into the soup and sprinkle some fried peanuts to enhance the taste.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Gaji namul/ Terong kukus / steamed egg plant

Gaji namul/ Terong kukus / steamed egg plant
Resep maangchi

500 gram terong dikukus 7 menit, angkat
Suwir2 terong kukus

Bumbu minyak
3 Bawang putih cincang
2 daun bawang iris tipis
1 sdt kecap asin
1 sdt kecap ikan
Cabe kering secukupnya
2 sdt minyak wijen

Aduk terong suwir dg bumbu minyak

500 gram eggplant
Steam for about 7 minutes...

Dressing oil
3 garlic chopped
2 spring onion
1 spoon of salty sauce
1 spoon of fish sauce
2 spoon of sesame oils

Mix eggplant with dressing

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Sup jamur tiram

Sup jamur tiram

250 gram Jamur tiram cuci dan iris memanjang
2 batang daun bawang, iris
1 tomat
2 bawang putih
2 bawang merah
300ml air

Tumis bawang merah lalu bawang putih dan tomat, masukkan jamur dan daun bawang aduk lalu tambahkan air, garam, sedikit gula, kecap asin dan kecap ikan

250 oyster mushroom, wash and slice
2 spring onions slice evenly
1 tomato, cut into big dices
2 garlic crushed
2 scallion sliced
300ml water.

Stir fry scallion, garlic, tomato, mushroom, spring onion, water, salt,  a little sugar, sweet sauce and salty sauce

Cooking mie lidi/Medan's spaghetti

Cooking mie lidi/Medan's spaghetti

1 kilo of dry mie lidi can be 10 plates of medium size portion

Boil the noddles in hot water until tender, careful  do not overcook.
Stir fry
Put inside the noddles and season with salt, a bit sugar, sweet sauce, salty sauce,  a bit pepper, chilli....stir until all the season is even.

Topping with shrimps, barbecue, ngohiong and spring onions.

Mie lidi

1 kilo mie lidi bisa jadi 10 piring mie dg ukuran sedang.

Rebus mie lidi secukupnya.
Bumbu kira2 aja ya..yg penting ada
Bawang putih, bawang merah, kecap asin,kecap manis, garam, gula, merica, tomat iris, cabe... Topping with udang, daging panggang, ngohiong, dan daun bawang.

Timun telor dg sambal minyak...

Timun telor dg sambal minyak...

Timun potong dadu
1 telor kocok dg sedikit garam dan merica.
Goreng telor dg 1 sendok minyak, taburi timun.
Balik telur  sth matang
Sajikan dg samal minyak

Cucumber egg with hot chilli oil

Cucumber cut into dices
Beat an egg with salt and a little pepper
On the pan with 1 spoon of oil fry the egg...sprinkle with dices cucumber, flip over when the side facing the pan is brown
Serve with hot oil chilli on the top

Monday, September 2, 2019

Tomato Oregano Egg

Tomato Oregano Egg

2 tomat potong dadu
2 buah daun bawang iris
 tumis sampai agak kering
Masukkan 1 telor kocok
Tambahkan sedikit garam
Angkat dan sisihkan.

2 bawang putih cincang
3 bawang merah cincang
1 buah paprika hijau
Ayam chasiu iris
100ml air
Kecap asin
Sedikit gula.

Masukkan lagi tomat telur
Tabur sedikit lada hitam dan oregano

Do you like the smell of oregano?
Then you can try this...
2 tomatoes chopped,
2 spring onion slice
stir fry, then add:
1 egg, beat and add salty sauce.
Remove from the pan.

Stir fry:
2 garlic chopped finely.
3 scallion chopped finely
1 green bell sliced pepper
some sliced chicken chasiu
100ml water
Salty sauce
0.25 teaspoon sugar
Return the tomato eggs into the pan.
Add some black pepper and oregano

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Black eggs and barbecue

Black eggs and barbecue

See the previous recipe

Kombinasi telor hitam dg barbecue 2 rasa...
Oiya utk panaskan daging yg sdh diiris boleh dipanaskan dg kuah telor hitam kira2 150ml

Combination of hard boiled black eggs and barbecue with 2 flavours.
Slice the barbecue and heat up with about 150 ml of egg solution

Telor hitam/ Hard boiled black (dark brown) eggs

Telor hitaaammm...
Hard boiled black (dark brown) eggs

Rebus telor, kupas dan tenggelamkan dg bumbu berikut selama 2 hari, tiap hari panaskan 2 kali agar putih telor mengeras
Kecap asin yg hitam
Kecap manis yg hitam
Cabe minyak

English version:
Boil eggs, peel and submerge them in this solution for two days: each day boil 2 times, morning and night (to make the white hard and dark)
Dark salty sauce
Dark sweet sauce
Hot Chili oil

Friday, August 30, 2019

Chicken Chasiu (simple method)

Chicken Chasiu (simple method)

Kali ini pakai daging paha fillet yg pastinya lebih empuk daripada dada ayam...

1 kilo gram fillet paha ayam gurat2  agar bumbu meresap
3 sdm barbeque sauce
1 sdt ngohiong
1 sdt garam
1 sdm angkak
Marinate semalam
Panggang di oven 45 menit
Olesi dg madu

This time I use chicken thigh fillet and the meat is tender
1 kilo fillet chicken thigh...make rather deep scratches just to let the ingredient be better absorbed
3 spoons of barbeque sauce
1 teaspoon of five spices
0.5 teaspoon salt
1 spoon of crushed red kojic rice
Marinate 1 night
Bake in oven for 50minutes
Smear with honey when ready

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Barbeque dg 2 rasa.

Barbeque dg 2 rasa.

1 kilo daging berlemak balur dg cuka dan garam selama 30 menit lalu cuci bersih.
Bagi jadi 2 dan potong bentuk panjang.

500 gram marinate dg 2 sendok saus hoisin dan 0.25 sdt garam

500 gram daging sisanya dg 2 sdm saus barbeque dan 0.25 sdt garam

Marinate beberapa jam

Oven 50 menit.
Hidangkan dg kimchi atau acar timun dan nasi (optional)

Barbeque 烤肉 with 2 different favour.

Very simple barbecue
1 kilo of fatty meat, smear with salt and vinegar for 30 minutes
Wash thoroughly
Cut into long pieces, divide into 2 halves.

500 gram meat marinate with
 2 spoons hoisin sauce and
0.25 spoon of salt.

500 gram with  meat marinate with 2 spoons of barbecue sauce and 0.25 spoon of salt

Marinate for a few hours.

Roast in the oven for 50 minutes
Served with kimchi or pickles and rice (optional)