Saturday, August 31, 2019

Black eggs and barbecue

Black eggs and barbecue

See the previous recipe

Kombinasi telor hitam dg barbecue 2 rasa...
Oiya utk panaskan daging yg sdh diiris boleh dipanaskan dg kuah telor hitam kira2 150ml

Combination of hard boiled black eggs and barbecue with 2 flavours.
Slice the barbecue and heat up with about 150 ml of egg solution

Telor hitam/ Hard boiled black (dark brown) eggs

Telor hitaaammm...
Hard boiled black (dark brown) eggs

Rebus telor, kupas dan tenggelamkan dg bumbu berikut selama 2 hari, tiap hari panaskan 2 kali agar putih telor mengeras
Kecap asin yg hitam
Kecap manis yg hitam
Cabe minyak

English version:
Boil eggs, peel and submerge them in this solution for two days: each day boil 2 times, morning and night (to make the white hard and dark)
Dark salty sauce
Dark sweet sauce
Hot Chili oil

Friday, August 30, 2019

Chicken Chasiu (simple method)

Chicken Chasiu (simple method)

Kali ini pakai daging paha fillet yg pastinya lebih empuk daripada dada ayam...

1 kilo gram fillet paha ayam gurat2  agar bumbu meresap
3 sdm barbeque sauce
1 sdt ngohiong
1 sdt garam
1 sdm angkak
Marinate semalam
Panggang di oven 45 menit
Olesi dg madu

This time I use chicken thigh fillet and the meat is tender
1 kilo fillet chicken thigh...make rather deep scratches just to let the ingredient be better absorbed
3 spoons of barbeque sauce
1 teaspoon of five spices
0.5 teaspoon salt
1 spoon of crushed red kojic rice
Marinate 1 night
Bake in oven for 50minutes
Smear with honey when ready

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Barbeque dg 2 rasa.

Barbeque dg 2 rasa.

1 kilo daging berlemak balur dg cuka dan garam selama 30 menit lalu cuci bersih.
Bagi jadi 2 dan potong bentuk panjang.

500 gram marinate dg 2 sendok saus hoisin dan 0.25 sdt garam

500 gram daging sisanya dg 2 sdm saus barbeque dan 0.25 sdt garam

Marinate beberapa jam

Oven 50 menit.
Hidangkan dg kimchi atau acar timun dan nasi (optional)

Barbeque 烤肉 with 2 different favour.

Very simple barbecue
1 kilo of fatty meat, smear with salt and vinegar for 30 minutes
Wash thoroughly
Cut into long pieces, divide into 2 halves.

500 gram meat marinate with
 2 spoons hoisin sauce and
0.25 spoon of salt.

500 gram with  meat marinate with 2 spoons of barbecue sauce and 0.25 spoon of salt

Marinate for a few hours.

Roast in the oven for 50 minutes
Served with kimchi or pickles and rice (optional)

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nonton film: Dearest (亲爱的)

Nonton film: Dearest (亲爱的)

Imbd 7.6/10

Every parent in China longs for having a son. So can you imagine if the only son they love is kidnapped?

This is the true story about a couple who are divorced but they take turn to take care of their only son. The boy was missing not long after the mother returns the boy to the care of the father.

The father, who takes the blame of not supervising the boy, searches for the boy in every corner and spends days, months, even years, leaving his business in jeopardy.

 The mother is sinking in the hole of desperation. Refusing to have another kid and marriage intercourse with her new husband.

To find their only kid, they offer some handsome amount money to the finder. But alas...the money also makes greedy people fool them. To the point that they ask another kidnapped boy to call this man "father" .

Some even claim that they have found the boy, and ask the father to bring the money reward to exchange with the boy. They planned to take the money away and kill the father if necessary. Can the father excape from these croocked men?

Very few parents find their lost kids back...and after a few years of separation, they might not recognize each other.

How can these parents find support to keep their sanity?

In this movie find out how these lucky parents find the lost boy, how they can recognize their son and how they feel when they finds out that the wife of the kidnapper really loves their son and their son loves this woman?
How can the parents rekindle the boy's love for his true parents?
Find the answers in this heart-moving movie.

Nonton film: Good Bye Christopher Robin

Nonton film: Good Bye Christopher Robin
Picture from imbd

Imbd rating: 7.2/10

Siapa yg tidak kenal dg cerita anak2 Winni9oe the Pooh? Beruang lucu yg menggemaskan dan disukai anak2 di berbagai negeri?

Siapa yg tahu bahwa di balik cerita ini ada kisah sedih dari tokoh yg menjadi inspirasi cerita ini?

Pembuat cerita Alan Alexander Milne  dalam film tsb dikenal sbg Blue memiliki seorang anak laki2 yg bernama Christopher Robin yg belakangan sangat menginspirasi buku2nya yg sangat terkenal.

Istrinya sebenarnya menginginkan seorang anak perempuan karena masa itu adalah masa saat perang yg telah membawa banyak korban dan kepedihan bagi keluarga yg ditinggalkan. Jika anaknya perempuan maka kelak tidak akan pergi berperang.  Selain alasan tersebut, dia mengalami trauma pasca kelahiran sehingga mereka memutuskan untuk memerkerjakan seorang pengasuh bagi Christopher.

Blue sendiri yg saat itu survival dari perang mengalami trauma yg cukup parah sehingga pekerjaannya sbg penulis sangat terpengaruh. Karya2nya seakan2 terhenti, buntu dan sebaliknya daripada menulis ttg fiksi, ia menulis ttg ketidak-setujuannya terhadap perang yg dianggap sbg cara yg tidak tepat dlm mengatasi problem. Istrinya sangat tidak setuju dg tulisan ini karena menganggap menulis ttg protes ini tidak akan populer ataupun mendapat dukungan dari pembaca.

Akhirnya Blue memutuskan keluarganya pindah ke Sussex dan di sinilah dia punya kesempatan bermain dg anaknya yg sekaligus menginspirasinya utk membuat cerita ttg beruang dan si kecil Christopher.

Ketenarannya justru membuat Christopher mulai merasa kesepian karena kesibukan dan publisitas membuat mereka sibuk dg interview dan acara2 bertemu dg orang2 penting.

Problem lain muncul karena Christopher dibully di sekolahnya oleh teman2 yg iri padanya. Karena itulah dia benci dikenal sbg Christoper Robin yg dianggap sbg sumber dari penindasan yg diterimanya di sekolah.

Saat perang tiba dan para pemuda yg lolos test kesehatan diwajibkan masuk militer, Christopher yg tidak lolos test memaksa ayahnya utk menggunakan kepopulerannya dan pengaruhnya agar dia bisa diterima di wajib militer. Ayahnya dg berat hati mengabulkan permintaannya krn itulah satu2nya cara agar dia bisa merebut hati anaknya yg menuduhnya telah menjual kisah masa kecilnya demi uang dan ketenaran.

Apakah Christopher berhasil pulang dari perang dalam keadaan hidup?
Dapatkah ia memaafkan orang tuanya yg menurutnya dianggap memanfaatkan masa kecilnya demi kepopuleran?
Penindasan atau yg dikenal bully seberapa merusaknya dalam kehidupan seseorang?
Bagaimana kisah ttg beruang .yg lucu yg bisa menghibur seorang tentara yg sekarat di medan perang?

Suatu kisah tentang kehidupan yg membuat kita semua merenung ttg nilai uang, persahabatan, dan kehidupan. Mengajarkan bahwa uang bukan sumber kebahagiaan yg sejati...

Daging sapi masak bombay

 Daging sapi masak bombay

prepared by Li Liong
Gampang banget buatnya tapi rasanya oke banget...
Bumbunya cuma barbeque sauce and bombay (and sedikit garam)

500 gram sengkel, potong dadu atau iris tipis marinate dg kecap asin selama beberapa jam.
1 buah bombay besar iris tipis
1 sdm barbeque sauce
0.5 sdm garam
700ml air

Presto selama 15 menit and siap deh..

Super easy and yummy sirlon,.prepared by Li Liong
Only need the sirloin, one big onion, 1 spoon of barbeque sauce.( And a little salt)

500 gram shank  cut onto dices or slice thinnly, marinate with salty sauce for a few hours.

Mix with:
1 big onion (about 200 grams) slice
1 spoon of barbeque sauce
0.5 spoon of salt
700ml water

Presto for 15 minutes and then ready .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Nonton film: Birigyaru girl/ Flying colours

Nonton film: Birigyaru girl/ Flying colours
Rating Imbd: 7.4/10

A true story movie about hard work and how it finally pays off after a long struggle and a good motivator that has changed no hope students to have their own dreams and to reach them.

An almost impossible journey that stirs viewers...

Below is the summary by Phoebe KS

Sayaka Kudou is a girl in her high school never studies, spends times with her friends and has bad grades. She dyes her hair blonde and wears short skirts, and these kinds of girls are called "Biri Gal".

 Finally her mother finds her a tutor, Yoshitoka Tsubota. Sayaka fills a test made by Tsubota and finds out that even though she is a high school student, her knowledge is only as good as a 4th grade student.

 One day in school, she makes a bet with her teacher that if she can enter Keio University, the teacher has to strip and walks  around the school, and that if she loses, she has to do that too. Because of this, she studies really hard. Her friends notice this too, so they tell her that they don't want to spend time with her since she always looks too tired spending time with her friends and studying.

 Sayaka has some ups and downs, but Tsubota is a good teacher who knows how to encourage students. Sayaka finally enters Keio University with the help of Tsubota.

Delicious oven baked flounder fish...

Delicious oven baked flounder fish...

Overnight marinate with:
Smoked paprika
Apple vinegar

Heat up the oven and bake the fish for 50 minutes.

Tomato and onion sliced, mix with sweet sauce and pour on the top of the fish.
Eat with kimchi... Bumbunya benar2 meresap sampai daging good.
Marinate ikan semalam dg
Smoked paprika
Cuka apel
Panaskan oven
Oven 50 menit agar garing... Dg kimchi makannya makin seru...!!

Black pepper long beans, kacang panjang dg merica hitam

Black pepper long beans

Tumis bawang putih
Masukkan irisan fillet ayam
Masukkan tomat cincang
1 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm kecap asin
1 sdm saus tiram
Tabur black pepper
And wijen panggang

Stir fry garlic
Add some slices of  chicken fillet
Put inside diced tomato and the long beans
1 spoon of sweet sauce
1 spoon of salty sauce
1 spoon of oyster
Sprinkle with black pepper and roasted sesame

Rainbow egg

Rainbow egg

 1 tomat diiris cincin besar panggang dg 1 sdm minyak di teflon. Angkat dan sisihkan

Siapkan daun bawang iris
2 telor kocok dg sedikit lada dan garam kocok sampai berbusa.

Panaskan teflon, tuang 1 sdm minyak, tuang telor kocok, taburi dg daun bawang dan tata tomat di atasnya.
Tutup teflon agar panas terperangkap di dalam dan telor matang tanpa dibalik.

Rainbow egg

1 tomato sliced and use a little oil to grill on the not to broken the rings.

Prepare scallion sliced.

Beat 2 eggs until foamy
A pinch of salt
A pinch of pepper

Use 1 spoons of oil on the pan to fry the egg.
Pour the beaten foamy egg
Sprinkle the scallion
Arrange the tomato
Cover the pan and let the heat trapped inside bcs we don't want to flip over the egg.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Chicken with smoked paprika

Chicken with smoked paprika

400 gram fillet chicken, cut into dices.
3 pieces of garlic crushed
2 spoons of oil, stir fry the garlic
Wait until becomes golden colour.
Put the chicken, keep stiring fry, then add:
2 spoons of salty sauce
0,5 spoon of hoisin sauce
1 spoon of smoked paprika
A little of salt
0.25 spoon of pepper
0.25 spoon of black pepper
Add some water 150ml water, stir until no more water.
Add a little more sesame oil.

Fresh kimchi

Fresh kimchi by Phoebe

Without fermentation procedure, it will not be sour.
For those who do not like sour kimchi

1kilo of white mustard cut 2 cm wide.
2 spoon of coarse salt mix with 1 glass of water.
Mix the mustard with the salt water for 3 hours then rinse it.

Kimchi sauce:
Chop/ blend
50ml of fish sauce
4 cloves of garlic
4cm ginger
100gram chilli
100 gram onion
Mix the mustard with the sauce

Kimchi tanpa fermentasi jadi ga asam...buat yg ga suka asam ini jadi alternatif.

Bahan I
1 kg sawi putih, potonh
Garam kasar 2 sdm  aduk dg air.
Sawi diaduk dg air garam biarkan 3 jam.
Cuci 3 kali

Bahan II berikut dicampur dg chopper/ blender.
Jika pakai chopper maka tdk perlu tambah air.

50ml kecap teri asin (kecap ikan)
4 siung Bawang putih
100 gram cabe merah
2 ruas jahe
100 gram bawang bombai

Campur sawi dg bumbu...

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Kembung banjar panggang

Kembung banjar panggang

Yg nyobain di rumah sih pada suka. Daging ikannya lebih tebal daripada kembung como jadi lebih puas makannya and rasanya juga meresap sampai ke dalam.

Udah 2 hari di pasar kehabisan daun pisang jadi akhirnya pakai kulit jagung...and hasilnya lebih enak krn ga ada bau yg kuat spt daun pisang.

Marinate ikan yg sudah digores dg
Kecap asin
Cuka apel

Tata kulit jagung di atas teflon..dan taruh ikan di atasnya.
Tutup teflon. Dg api sedang panggang 15 menit..
Setelah itu dibalik, panggang 15 menit lagi... Makannya pake sambel minyak dan sayur asin kering yg ada di resep sebelumnya...
😉😉 Pan grill long jawed mackerel fish (kembung banjar)

Simply delicious
The meat is thicker than the previous pan grill fish and they are drier inside...and tasty until the inside.

But I cannot find banana leaf so I use corn (skin) leaves... Which is better bcs they don't have strong smell

Scar the body of the fish
Marinate the fish overnight with:
Salty sauce
Five spices
Apple vinegar

Put the corn skin on the pan..grill the fish on the top of the leaves for about 15 min, cover the pan to trap the heat and flip over for another 15 min.

Eat with dry mustard (see the previous recipe) and hot chilli oil

Sayur asin kering masak kuah kaldu ceker.

Sayur asin kering masak kuah kaldu ceker.

Pengin sayur asin tapi yg asem hari ini coba trial masak sayur asin kering...hasilnya not bad...:)😁😁

Utk 4 porsi mangkuk kecil.
250 gram sayur asin kering...rendam semalam. Cuci bersih 5 kali agar sayur benar2 bersih.

Tumis dg urutan sbb:
2 bawang putih cincang
Daging secukupnya iris...tumis sampai matang
1 tomat cincang
1 telor kocok
Masukkan sayur asin
Kecap asin
Sedikit gula
1 sdt sambal minyak (opsional)
Dan kuah kaldu ceker kira2 100ml. (Jika tidak ada pakai saus tiram and barbeque saja secukupnya)
Tumis sampai kering.

Every time I buy pickled mustard, I find it too sour to yesterday I bought dried mustard.. soak in water for a night..wash it five times under running water. Cut about 2 cm or 3 cm lenght.

Stir fry the following:
3 cloves of garlic crushed.
A little meat slice and stir until ready cooked.
1 tomato finely chopped.
1 egg beat
Put inside the mustard and add
Salty sauce
Chilli oil
Chicken leg soup 100ml (1 spoon of hoisin sauce and barbeque sauce)
Stir fry until dry ...and r3ady...

Monday, August 12, 2019

Pare isi udang

Pare isi udang

Wonderful taste...
Easy to make
Credit recipe as in the last picture. I adapt the recipe so as to make it simpler and quicker to prepare by using Shrimp instead of pork.
To see the original recipe

Pare potong 1 cm...lubangi dg jari.
Rebus cincin pare agar pahitnya hilang selama 1 menit

Bahan isian:
1 buang bawang putih cincang
150 gram udang cincang
2 buah daun bawang.
0.5 batang wortel import cincang atau parut.
0.5 sdt garam
0.5 sdt minyak wijen
Kecap asin
1 buah telor

Panaskan teflon
Tuang minyak 6 sendok makan atau kurang.
Tata pare dan isi dg isian.
Balik agar kedua sisi matang.

Hias dg sambal minyak... Bitter gourd filled with Shrimp

Cut bitter gourd 1cm wide.
Boil 1 minute in hot water to get rid of the bitterness.
Take them out of hot water.

The fill...mix together as follows:
150 gram shrimp
100 gram carrot grated.
2 scallion
1 garlic grated.
0.5 teaspoon salt
0.5 teaspoon sesame oil
Salty sauce
1 egg

Heat the pot...pour 6 spoons of oil.
Arrange the rings of bittergourd and fill with the filler.
Flip after the hot side is ready.
Garnish with hot chilli oil (optional)

Terong sambal minyak

Terong sambal minyak
 prepared by Kenan

Hmmm...tadinya ga suka terong...tapi kalo dimasak begini koq enak ya? Udah bbp kali masak begini and makin mantap dg sambal minyak.

Tumis terong 🍆 sampai berubah warna, keluarkan dari penggorengan.

Tumis dg sedikit minyak bumbu berikut:
3 bawang putih cincang
3 bawang merah cincang
Masukkan lagi terong, tambahkan: garam,kecap asin, sambal minyak dan minyak wijen.
Hias dg sedikit daun bawang iris dan sambal minyak

Stirfry eggplant until it's color changes.
And take it out of the pan.

Garlic 3 pcs(dice)
Onion 3 pcs(dice)

Stirfry the garlic and onion
Then put in the eggplant.
And then, put in your seasoning (salt, soy sauce, chili oil, sesame oil)

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Yogurt Pineapple

Yogurt pineapple



Friday, August 9, 2019

Ceplok telor dalam 🍆 terong

Ceplok telor dalam 🍆 terong

Cr3dit recipe:

Potong terong seperti bentuk cincin dg tebal kurang dari 1 cm.
Tusuk tengahnya dan lepaskan isinya dg sendok..sehingga bentuknya seperti cincin, tengahnya berlubang.

Cincang bagian dalam terong dan campur dg:
Sosis cincang
Wortel cincang
Daun bawang cincang
Tambahkan garam secukupnya.

Kocok 1 telor, tambahkan garam.

Cara goreng:
Panaskan teflon, beri sedikit minyak.
Tata ring terong, isi dg bahan isi, tuangkan telor secukupnya utk merekatkan bahan isi dg cincin terong.
Setelah bagian yg menghadap teflon kering, balik cincinnya.
Dst sampai cincin terong habis... Hidangkan dg dihias sambal minyak... Eggplant filled with egg

Cut the eggplant in the form of rings 1 cm thick..take out the inside part with a spoon and chopped and mix with the following:
Chopped sausage
Grated carrot
Chopped scallion
A little salt

Beat one egg and a little salt.

On the teflon/pan put a little oil, put the ring and fill the ring with the fill and pour a little egg to glue the fill and the ring.
Do it one by one until all the the rings are finished.

Flip over when the side facing the pan is ready.

Topping with hot chilli oil...

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Sticky Chinese Five Spice Chicken/ chasiu

Sticky Chinese Five Spice Chicken/ chasiu

Recipe by marion's kitchen
Marinate ayam dg campuran sbb:
2 sdm Hoisin
2 sdm madu
2 sdm kecap asin warna hitam
1 sdm saus tiram
3 siung bawang putih parut
1 sdt ngohiong
0.5 sdt garam
Marinate ayam beberapa jam/semalaman

Alasi loyang dg aluminium foil
Taruh rak di atasnya agar ayam bisa menetes ke aluminium foilnya.
40 menit panggang

Buat campuran olesan
kecap manis
Kecap asin warna gelap
Oles dg kuas
Panggang lagi 10 menit

Iris ayam and tada siaplah ayam chasiu

Sticky Chinese Five Spice Chicken/ chasiu
Recipe by marion's kitchen

Mix the following:
2 tbs Hoisin
2 tbs Honey
2 tbs Dark soyce
1 tbs Oyster sauce
3 cloves of Garlic grated
1 tsp Five spices
0.5 tsp salt
Marinate the chicken one night or a few hours

Put aluminium on the baking tray.
Put the baking rack on the top of it.
Put the chicken on the rack.
Oven for 40 minutes.

Caramel: mix the following
Dark sweet soy sauce

Brush the caramel on the chicken and oven again for another 10 minutes.

Sambal Minyak, Hot Chilli Oil

Sambal minyak, prepared by Phoebe


Cabe minyak/ hot chilli oil

Campur bahan berikut ke wadah stainless steel/ gelas kaca tebal yg tahan panas.
0.5 ons cabe kering ditumbuk
3 bawang putih digeprek
1 sdt Wijen
0.5 sdt garam

Panaskan 100ml minyak
Tambahkan bunga pekak star anise
Kayu manis
Angkat dan buang rempah2nya
Siram minyak panas ke campuran sambal


Prepare chilly in a stainles steel mug or hot resistant glass.
50 gram dry chilli crush finely with dry container of blender
3 garlic chopped finely
1 sdt sesame
0.5 sdt salt

Heat up100ml oil
Put inside the 2 star anise
5 cm cinnamon
3 bay leaf
Remove the star anise,cinnamon and bayleaf.
Pour the aromatic oil to the chilli

Sambal rasanya mantap...

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Kailan masak telor

Kailan masak telor

3 siung bawang putih
3 buah cabe merah kering
Beberapa potong daging merah panggang
Tumis bawang semuanya, dan angkat.

Rebus air 150ml  sampai mendidih
Kocok 1 telor dg sedikit garam
Masukkan ke air rebus, aduk.
Masukkan 1 sdm tp kanji yg diaduk dg 150ml air.
Masukkan kailan dan aduk sampai kailan lembut.
Tambahkan kecap asin, garam, gula dan merica... dan minyak wijen
Angkat dan tabur dg topping

Hm....rasanya not bad 不错。。。

Kailan/ Chinese Kale/ Gai lan
250gram Kailan wash and cut.

Prepare the topping
3 garlic chopped
3 dried chilly
A few pieces of red baked meat/chasiu
Stir fry the above ingredient with a spoon of oil.

Boil 150ml water, wait until it boils, add the following:
1 egg beat in a cup, put a little salt in it.
1 spoon of tapioka dilute in 150ml water.
Put inside the kailan 芥兰 or Chinese kale in it, Put inside the kailan 芥兰 or Chinese kale in it,
 add salt, a little sugar, salty sauce, a few drops of sesame oil, stir until the veggie become soft and move it to a dish.

Sprinkle with topping.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Beer duck/啤酒鸭

Beer duck/啤酒鸭 

Delicious cuisine prepared by a Bible Student from Guangxi China. 

Potong2 bebek lalu r3bus dan buang airnya
Siapkan bumbu
10 cabe kering potong 1 cm
7cm jahe iris tipis
3 bawang putih hancurkan
10 cm kayu manis
3 buah bunga pekak patahkan.
Tumis bumbu dg sedikit minyak sampai aromanya keluar, masukkan bebek. Aduk sebentar.
Tambahkan 250ml beer
Kecap asin yg berwarna hitam
Minyak wijen
Trus rebus dan aduk sampai beer agak mengering.

Lain kali saya ingin coba agar bebek lebih lembut dg kukus dlm presto selama 10 menit lalu dikeluarkan lagi utk disiram beer dan bumbu.

Siapa yg mau recook?
Comment ya... Chop the duck into small pieces and boil it to clean it from the extra fat and smell. Throw away the water
10 Dry chilly cut into 1 cm lenght
7cm ginger slice
3 garlic crush
10 cm cinnamon
3 pieces star anise lightly crush

Stir fry the above ingredient wait until the aroma comes out, put in the duck and keep stiring for a while.

Add 250 ml beer and let it simmer for 20 minutes.

Dark salty sauce
Sesame oil

Next time I plan to make the duck more tender by:
steaming in presto for 10 minutes, take out, add the fried ingredient, add the beer stir until the beer gets dry about 5 minutes

Recook and let me know how it tastes okay?😊😊 #啤酒鸭#beerduck#bebekmasakbeer#deliciouscuisine#

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Kombucha for Sale

Kombucha for Sale

Contact WA 0851 0049990

Cumi panggang teflon

Cumi panggang teflon

Prepared by Kenan

Bumbui cumi dg
Kecap asin
Saus barbeque
Kecap asin Jepang
Minyak wijen

Panggang di teflon dg minyak dan tambahkan sedikit lagi bumbu barbeque
Pan grill squid

Marinate squid for a few hours with
Salty sauce
Barberque sauce
Japanese salty soy sauce
A pinch of oregano
A little sesame oil

Grill with +-1 spoon of cooking oil and add a lilttle more barbeque sauce as you grill

Daging Panggang Merah

Daging Panggang Merah

1 kilo daging potong memanjang selebar lebar 10cm

2.25 sdm angkak
3 sdm gula
3 sdm arak putih
1 sdm ngohiong
1 sdm garam
Marinate semalam.

Panaskan oven
Tata daging di atas loyang yg dialasi aluminium foil.
Panggang selama 1 jam

Friday, August 2, 2019

Sejarah Kelas 12 Folder 01

Folder 01
Subfolder - Teori

vid 01

Asal kata sejarah dalam bahasa Indonesia diambil dari bahasa Arab "Sjajrahtun" atau"pohon"`
dalam bahasa German sejarah disebut "Geschichte" yang artinya "peristiwa".
dalam bahasa Yunani kuno, sejarah disebut "Istoria"yang artinya "penyelidikan""

Dari segi waktu, sejarah di bagi menjadi dua yaitu .
1. Pra-sejarah (belum mengenal tulisan)
2. Sejarah (setelah mengenal tulisan.

Arti kata sejarah adalah "segala peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lalu".

Sejarah bisa dikaitkan dengan:
1. Ilmu > karena memiliki metode
2. Kisah > karena berbentuk cerita/rangkian peristiwa.
3. Peristiwa> sebagai kenyataan
4. Seni> dalam penulisan karena mengandung unsur - Intuisi (bergantung pada orang yg menulisnya)
                                                                                     - Imaginasi
vid 02
Pengertian sejarah sebagai ilmu yang memiliki kaidah tertertu yaitu melakukan rekonstruksi masa lalu.

Ilmu-ilmu yang merupakan ilmu bantu sejarah:
Ikonografi > Simbol dan patung
Epigrafi > Prasasti
Numismatik> Mata uang
Paleografi> Tulisan/Aksara
Filogi> Naskah kuno
Paleontologi> Fosil hewan/manusia

Manusia adalah sejarah bagi dirinya sendiri. Karena alasan inilah, Sejarah merupakan sesuatu yang sangat luas.

ada bermacam-macam jenis sejarah:

vid 03

Metode sejarah adalah tahapan2 dalam melakukan penelitan yaitu,
4w 1h
How,What, Where, When , Why, Who

Sebelum memulai penelitian, kita harus memerhatikan:
1. Penentuan topik
2. Ruang Lingkup (time and space)
3. Ketersediaan bahan
4. Jangka waktu penelitian.

Tahap penelitian ada bbrp:

Tahap 1 : Heuristik(menemukan)

*Pengumpulan sumber2 untuk medapatkan data.
(#note data bukanlah selalu fakta)
Ada dua jenis fakta:
-Soft fact( bisa didebat)
-Hard fact(solid, tidak bisa didebat)

*Studi perpustakaan
*Wawancara/ Sejarah lisan
*Rekaman sejarah (koran, majalah, tabloid, dsb)
*Dokumen tertulis (Surat, Naskah, Catatan perjalanan)

Tahap 2 : Verifikasi / Kritik/ Uji data
testing the - Reability
                  - Kredibility

Verifikasi terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu interen dan eksteren
Interen: Melihat dan memperhatikan isi naskah,bahasa, dan tujuan pembuatan
Eksteren: Melihat kertas/dukumen dan memperhatikan ciri2 fisiknya.
Setelah sesuatu terverifikasi,barulah hal itu bisa dianggap sebagai fakta sejarah

Tahap 3:Interpretasi/ Penafsiran
tahap untuk mengkomunikasikan fakta agar dapat dibaca dengan mudah.
Interpretasi erat kaitannya dengan cara pandang dan teori yang digunakan.

Dalam tahap interpretasi ada dua hal yang perlu diperhatikan :

1. Analisis ( menguraikan segala kemungkinan dari fakta yang diperoleh.
2. Sintetis (merangkai/ menyatukan fakta2 yang ada)

Tahap 4: Historiografi (Penulisan)
Menurut Leopod von Ramke (German), " Sejarah merupakan sesuatu yang benar, dan adalah penulisan ulang suatu peristiwa.

Gaya bahasa/Retorika sangat berpengaruh dalam menyampaikan hasil interpretasi.
Gaya-gaya penyampaian:
-Eksposisi (mendeskripsikan peristiwa)

Vid 04.....