Monday, March 30, 2020



                       imbd rating 8.1/10

This movie really touched my heart.  The friendship of a dog and its master depicted how deep the relation could be so that the lost of one of sides would cause a deep lost pain of the other's.

Leonhard Seppala never expected that the dog that his wife saved would be his real friend in the crisis time. He thought this dog was too small and weak to become a sled dog, but he was wrong.

Ever since this dog was small he showed that he was a smart dog. No matter where Seppala kept him, whether in a kennel or a room, he could always manage to escape.

Many times when Seppala was on the sled with other sled dogs, this dog would race from behind just to show he was able to do the sled. This dog showed his persistance to become a leader of the sled.

Finally Seppala gave him the chance to let him lead and this dog proved that he was really something. And that was why Seppala gave this unnamed dog TOGO.

Togo proved to be a good leader and strong. He even saved his master from danger.

When there was an epidemic in Nome,Alaska, they had to pick up serum from Nenana Alaska, over the distance of
1085 kms.  Twenty one mushers were involved to cover the distance to deliver the serum but Seppala and Togo covered the most distance, which was 260 miles or 420 kms of freezing and dangerous round trip.

Togo saved his team and his master, Seppala when the ice cracked and they were going to drown soon. He swam in cold freezing water to reach the land and used all of his might to pull the rest of the team to shore.

This moment was really the climax of the movie that really moved the audiences' heart. And you will miss this beautiful of moment if you don't watch this movie yourself.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Teh Kulit Manggis

Teh Kulit Manggis

Cuci kulit manggis
Potong2 dadu
Keringkan di bawah matahari terik selama 1 atau 2 hari.

Ambil beberapa sendok dan
rebus dalam air selama beberapa menit

Tanpa perasa lain teh kulit manggis ini memiliki rasa unik, yaitu aroma agar-agar dan sedikit rasa manis asli.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice

100cc Aloe gel (raw)
250cc water
3 tsp extract date fruit
1 tsp extract lemon

Pertama kali minum lidah buaya mentah. Katanya dimakan mentahpun aman.
Tapi saya campur air dan bhn lain agar rasanya lebih enak.
100ml Gel lidah buaya
250ml air
3 sdt sari kurma
1 sdt lemon
jus jadi satu.

Buat aloe gel
buang bagian berduri dari lidah buaya
potong lidah buaya menjadi 3 atau 4 bagian
rendam dlm 0.25 sdt baking soda.
buang satu sisi kulit dan keruk daging lidah buaya dg sendok teh.
Bilas dan jus tanpa air utk mendapatkan gel nya.

Sunday, March 1, 2020


Ternyata bikin miso yg enak itu gampang banget deh, cuma 2 bahan berikut ditambah dg:


2 cm jahe
 1 batang daun bawang
1 sdt saus tiram (opsional)
1 liter air
2 sdm bumbu miso
1 sdm bahan kering (seaweed etc) packingan yg kedua