Friday, July 26, 2019

Sawi manis

Sawi manis

Tumis bawang cincang dan cabe.
Tumis daging hingga kering.

Rebus air, tambahkan garam,gula,merica,kecap asin dan 1 sdm tepung kanji yg diaduk dg 0.5  gelas air.
Masukkan sawi manis selama 5 menit.

Atur di atas piring dan hias dg topping

Sweet mustard
3 garlic crushed
2 chilly
stif fry until golden...put aside
Meat slice stir fry...put aside.

Boil water and add
0.5 spoon Salt
0.5 spoon sugar
a dash of pepper
0.5 spoon of salty sauce
1 spoon of cassava flour mix with half glass of water...
Mixed and wait until the water boils
Put inside the sweet mustard for 4 minutes.

Put the ready vegetables on the plate and topping with the stir fried meat, chilly and garlic

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