Monday, September 2, 2019

Tomato Oregano Egg

Tomato Oregano Egg

2 tomat potong dadu
2 buah daun bawang iris
 tumis sampai agak kering
Masukkan 1 telor kocok
Tambahkan sedikit garam
Angkat dan sisihkan.

2 bawang putih cincang
3 bawang merah cincang
1 buah paprika hijau
Ayam chasiu iris
100ml air
Kecap asin
Sedikit gula.

Masukkan lagi tomat telur
Tabur sedikit lada hitam dan oregano

Do you like the smell of oregano?
Then you can try this...
2 tomatoes chopped,
2 spring onion slice
stir fry, then add:
1 egg, beat and add salty sauce.
Remove from the pan.

Stir fry:
2 garlic chopped finely.
3 scallion chopped finely
1 green bell sliced pepper
some sliced chicken chasiu
100ml water
Salty sauce
0.25 teaspoon sugar
Return the tomato eggs into the pan.
Add some black pepper and oregano

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