Friday, September 27, 2019

Tape ketan

Tape ketan

Tape ketan... Kali ini tapenya manis dan banyak yummy

Masak dg rice cooker
3 gelas beras ketan
3 3/4 air

3 buah ragi kecil tumbuk dan aduk rata dg ketan yg sdh didinginkan.
Taruh dlm wadah kaca tertutup. Alas tutup dg kain handuk kecil.
Diamkan 2 hari...

Cap Cay

Cap cay

much vegetables.. Stir fry the shimps until the colour changes,
Sliced carrot
Add some water cover with the lid.
Add mixture of corn flour and water
Then add sweet mustard.
Add salty sauce, a little sugar, salt and 1 teaspoon of hoisin sauce.

Tumis udang
Tambahkan bawang putih cincang, kembang kol...aduk terus.
Tambahkan air lalu tutup agar sayur lembut.
Tambahkan campuran tepung jagung.
Masukkan sawi manis, aduk sampai melembut.
Tambah garam, sedikit gula, kecap asin, merica dan 1 sdt hoisin.
And ready...

Tim Telor/ steamed egg

Tim telur
Steamed Egg

Cara buatnya gampang banget tapi rasanya lembut dan memanjakan langit2 mulut... Lembut seperti kembang tahu...hayoo..siapa yg suka kembang tahu jahe?
3 telur
1 daun bawang
Kecap asin
200 cc air
2 sdm ikan tengiri yg sdh ditumis
1 sdt Minyak wijen
Campur semua
Kukus 20 menit

Soft texture and spoil your palate and furthermore easy to make.
3 eggs
1 spring onions
Salty sauce
200 cc water
2 spoon fish fillet (already stir fried)
1 teaspoon sesame oil
Mix everything
Steam 20 minutes

Friday, September 6, 2019

Sour and spicy vermicelli/酸辣粉/ Soun asam pedas

Sour and spicy vermicelli/酸辣粉/ Soun asam pedas

Resep diambil dari Chinese Healthy Cook by Ling.
Recipe credit as mention above

Chinese culinary yg khas dan unik...pedas dan asamnya bisa disesuaikan selera..tapi yg saya suka adalah krn taburan kacang tanah.

Rebus soun sampai lunak.
Tumis kacang tanah sampai matang.

500ml air panas, bumbui dg
Kecap asin
Cuka hitam
Sambal minyak
Merica putih
Saya ga punya Sichuan pepper jadi ga pakai.
Cuka apel ( saya tambahkan)
Masukkan soun dan tabur dg daun bawang dan daun ketumbar (saya pakai sedikit, krn ga suka baunya)..and siap.. Boil the vermicelly until tender, take out from water.
Stir fry peanuts

500ml water boil, season with:
Light soy sauce
Black vinegar
Chili oil
White pepper powder
Sichuan pepper powder
Chopped green onions
Chopped cilantro ( you can skip this if you don't like the smell.
I added apple vinegar
Put the vermicelli into the soup and sprinkle some fried peanuts to enhance the taste.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Gaji namul/ Terong kukus / steamed egg plant

Gaji namul/ Terong kukus / steamed egg plant
Resep maangchi

500 gram terong dikukus 7 menit, angkat
Suwir2 terong kukus

Bumbu minyak
3 Bawang putih cincang
2 daun bawang iris tipis
1 sdt kecap asin
1 sdt kecap ikan
Cabe kering secukupnya
2 sdt minyak wijen

Aduk terong suwir dg bumbu minyak

500 gram eggplant
Steam for about 7 minutes...

Dressing oil
3 garlic chopped
2 spring onion
1 spoon of salty sauce
1 spoon of fish sauce
2 spoon of sesame oils

Mix eggplant with dressing

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Sup jamur tiram

Sup jamur tiram

250 gram Jamur tiram cuci dan iris memanjang
2 batang daun bawang, iris
1 tomat
2 bawang putih
2 bawang merah
300ml air

Tumis bawang merah lalu bawang putih dan tomat, masukkan jamur dan daun bawang aduk lalu tambahkan air, garam, sedikit gula, kecap asin dan kecap ikan

250 oyster mushroom, wash and slice
2 spring onions slice evenly
1 tomato, cut into big dices
2 garlic crushed
2 scallion sliced
300ml water.

Stir fry scallion, garlic, tomato, mushroom, spring onion, water, salt,  a little sugar, sweet sauce and salty sauce

Cooking mie lidi/Medan's spaghetti

Cooking mie lidi/Medan's spaghetti

1 kilo of dry mie lidi can be 10 plates of medium size portion

Boil the noddles in hot water until tender, careful  do not overcook.
Stir fry
Put inside the noddles and season with salt, a bit sugar, sweet sauce, salty sauce,  a bit pepper, chilli....stir until all the season is even.

Topping with shrimps, barbecue, ngohiong and spring onions.

Mie lidi

1 kilo mie lidi bisa jadi 10 piring mie dg ukuran sedang.

Rebus mie lidi secukupnya.
Bumbu kira2 aja ya..yg penting ada
Bawang putih, bawang merah, kecap asin,kecap manis, garam, gula, merica, tomat iris, cabe... Topping with udang, daging panggang, ngohiong, dan daun bawang.

Timun telor dg sambal minyak...

Timun telor dg sambal minyak...

Timun potong dadu
1 telor kocok dg sedikit garam dan merica.
Goreng telor dg 1 sendok minyak, taburi timun.
Balik telur  sth matang
Sajikan dg samal minyak

Cucumber egg with hot chilli oil

Cucumber cut into dices
Beat an egg with salt and a little pepper
On the pan with 1 spoon of oil fry the egg...sprinkle with dices cucumber, flip over when the side facing the pan is brown
Serve with hot oil chilli on the top

Monday, September 2, 2019

Tomato Oregano Egg

Tomato Oregano Egg

2 tomat potong dadu
2 buah daun bawang iris
 tumis sampai agak kering
Masukkan 1 telor kocok
Tambahkan sedikit garam
Angkat dan sisihkan.

2 bawang putih cincang
3 bawang merah cincang
1 buah paprika hijau
Ayam chasiu iris
100ml air
Kecap asin
Sedikit gula.

Masukkan lagi tomat telur
Tabur sedikit lada hitam dan oregano

Do you like the smell of oregano?
Then you can try this...
2 tomatoes chopped,
2 spring onion slice
stir fry, then add:
1 egg, beat and add salty sauce.
Remove from the pan.

Stir fry:
2 garlic chopped finely.
3 scallion chopped finely
1 green bell sliced pepper
some sliced chicken chasiu
100ml water
Salty sauce
0.25 teaspoon sugar
Return the tomato eggs into the pan.
Add some black pepper and oregano