Friday, October 18, 2019

Kembang kol panggang...

Kembang kol panggang...
Sensasinya beda dg capcay yg berkuah...tapi lebih harum krn terpanggang...
(Tapi apakah nutrisinya masih utuh ya? Krn kalau terlalu panas atau terlalu lama dimasak, katanya nutrisinya akan hilang...tapi ide masak cara western ini memang menurutku enak juga n bikin lebih variatif)

Tumis udang dan daging iris, tambahkan bawang putih, kecap asin, merica.

Bahan sayur: wortel, kambang kol dan buncis.

Dg 0,5 sdm minyak wijen tumis kembang kol dan wortel, aduk..
Tambahkan 150ml air agar kembang kol bisa lebih cepat lunak,masukkan buncis..aduk sesekali hingga air semua mengering dan timbul bau panggang.
Tambahkan kecap asin, garam, merica putih, merica hitam, smoked paprika.
Angkat dan tabur dg topping

The sensation is quite different from the chinese way of cooling Cap Cay...there is the smoked smell that I like. But I wonder if this way of cooking is healthy? I mean I heard that cooking veggie too long will lose the nutrients...anyway I like this western idea bcs make my cooking more varied)

Stir fry chopped shrimps (shell still intact) dan sliced meat, add garlic, and salt, pepper, salty sauce.

Carrot, cauliflower, beans.

With 0,5 tablespoon of sesame oil, stir fry carrot and cauliflower. Add 150ml water and beans, stir occasionally. Add salty sauce, salt, pepper, black pepper, smoked paprika. Stir until the water is gone and here comes the burning smell...and this is the time to take out the veggie and put it on the plate.
Sprinkle topping.

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