Friday, October 18, 2019

Tumis buncis

Stir fried bean...Tumis buncis...

Dunno why tapi koq sayur ini rasanya enak banget... Tumis udang cincang.
Masukkan daging iris
Tumis sd kering...bumbui dg garam and kecap asin
Masukkan 300 gram buncis yg diiris tipis..tambahkan 100 ml air
Aduk terus dan tambahkan
Gula, garam, kecap asin, kecap manis, smoked paprika, merica, black pepper.
Setelah diangkat taburi dg wijen.

Stir fry chopped shrimps
Add some sliced meat..
Keep stiring, add some salt and salty sauce.
Add 300 gram beans that has been cut finely..add 100ml water, keep stirring and add some salt, sugar,salty sauce,sweet sauce,smoked paprika, pepper, black pepper.
Serve on a plate and sprinkle with sesame.

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