Tuesday, October 30, 2018

ENGLISH SPEAKING COMPOSITION: Cambodia, where virginity is a commodity

Teaching Speaking with documentary movie

This will be the first time I discussed how to use movie in English Speaking Class.

There are plenty of documentary films that can stir our emotions, be it anger, sadness, happiness, etc The movie itself has a purpose. The purpose can be positive and negative, so as educators, teachers must be aware of the purpose of the movie and only teach those who have moral benefits that can improve the student's life.

I will choose a documentary movie this time. The source is trustworthy, and the characters are not artists and there is an interview with the expert.
The movie belongs to RT (Russia Today),
duration: 27:15

The title is: My mother sold me. Cambodia, where virginity is a commodity.

Questions to discuss:
1. Why do many parents sell their daughters' virginity?
2. Is there any condition that makes them prone to prostitution?
3. Is it logical to sell the girls when they need money?
4. How much money do they get for selling their daughters' virginity?
5. What are the risks of being a prostitute?
6. What damage can this action create to the girl that works as a prostitute?
7. Discuss the risk of being a prostitute:
    1. If the man using the service is sick? abusive? a pervert?
    2. If contraception fails and she becomes pregnant?
    3. Is there a risk of being contracted by sexual transmitted diseases like HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea,
         hepatitis, etc.
8.   How does prostitution affect the girl/ women in the future?
9.   Is it fair for people to despise them? What can they do to help them?
10. Why is it not easy for them to change the "Work/Profession?"
11. What factors make prostitution widespread in Cambodia
12. Do you think sending them to school is the solution?
13. What skills can help them change their profession?
       Cooking class, selling satay, fried fries, noodles etc that use a small capital.
14.  Teach them to be patient and to use money wisely.

If you like my writing, please encourage me by leaving a comment below...☺

To comprehend better about this problem dan its solution pls visit the following link

For those who speak Indonesian pls visit

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Info sekolah musik Yamaha

Mencari sertifikat untuk mengajar gitar klasik.
Kalau mau jadi guru Yamaha syarat2 umumnya:
1. Usia minimal 18th
2. WNI
3. Bisa baca not balok
4. Bersedia ditempatkan di mana saja
5. Bekerja minimum 5 hari kerja
6. Weekend wajib ngajar.
7. Mengikuti test audisi dan interview

Menurut chart dari level belajar Yamaha:
Grade 5 sdh bisa jadi guru gitar di Yamaha.

Utk grade 13 sd 6 ujiannya disebut ujian REGULER, di mana hanya bisa diambil oleh siswa Yamaha.

Sedangkan grade tinggi yaitu grade 5 sd 3 bisa utk diambil oleh umum.
Syaratnya mengisi form dan melampirkan bukti tranfer (biayanya: ujian performance grade 5 rp.700.000 dan ujian theory atau yg disebut ujian Fundamental juga rp.700.000). Tidak perlu bebarengan mengambil ujiannya, boleh ambil ujian performance dulu dan theory nya menyusul, agar fokus persiapannya)

Formulir hardcopy rangkap 3 (satu rangkap dikirim ke Jepang)
Hardcopy bisa diambil di Yamaha Music Indonesia Gatot Subroto, atau bisa dikirim dari YMI

Ujian gitar dilaksanakan 3 kali dlm 1 tahun.
Utk 2019
1. 21 January 2019
2. 22 Juli 2019
3. 14 Oktober 2019
Pendaftaran plg lambat 40 hari sebelumnya.

Tidak ada mock test yg bisa dicoba/trial.
Tapi bisa lihat contoh ujian di web Yamaha.
Bisa lihat repertoar dan contoh sight reading.

Untuk ujian performance
Ada 3 syllabus A,B,C
Masing2 dari syllabus memilih 1 (total 3 lagu wajib)
Dan sisanya free selection (total 3 lagu free dg tingkat kesulitan yg sama atau bisa ambil sisa dr syllabus)

Seperti apa kira2 ujiannya...lihat link berikut ya...


Bahan ujian grade 5

Sumber link Yamaha

Info mengenai biaya per tgl 26 Oktober 208 didapat dari:

Yamaha Music School
Nuansa Musik
Lokasi jl. Danau Agung 2 no,79-B Sunter Agung (seberang RS. Hermina)
Telpon 021-6517668

Biaya pendaftaran rp.400.000

Jadi murid selama 6 bulan sth itu baru bisa ujian. (Setelah itu 2 bulan kemudian mau ikut ujian lagi terserah gurunya)

Minimal 3 kali dlm sebulan (jika hy 2 kali krn libur maka ada hari pengganti)
Bulan Juni dan Desember hanya 3 meeting

Untuk konser (opsional) sekitar rp.300.000 (free tiket 2 utk orang tua) lokasi spt di Soehana Hall SCBD.

Durasi kursus 0,5jam termasuk teori.
Biaya kursus grade 6 rp.525.000

Biaya ujian sekitar 400sd 500rb an

Untuk ikut LOMBA (menurut info hanya utk murid Yamaha) , nama lombanya Popular Music Course /PMC , biayanya rp.200.000-an.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Dari kata CAUSE atau karena
Sebenarnya CAUSATIVE adalah kalimat di mana subjek kalimat membuat org lain melakukan sesuatu baginya.

Aturannya adalah:
1. Dg kata kerja, LET, HAVE, MAKE + Object + V1
    He made me do it.
    Let him go, he does not want to be here.
   The doctor has the nurse care for the patient.
    My mother had me clean my bedroom.

2. HAVE/ GET + OBJECT + V3  (+by....or with...)
    Bentuk singkat dari passive voice, di mana perkerjaan dilakukan oleh pihak lain.
    I will have my room painted in pink. ( It means I asked someone else to do the painting)
    I will get the petition signed by many people.

    Basically this is the usual form that most of us use when we want the object to do the job.

I want you to leave me alone.
I allow you to leave when you have finished your work.
I order you to leave.


Ekonomi 01: Ilmu Ekonomi dan Perilaku Ekonomi

Ini adalah ringkasan catatan yg dibuat berdasarkan video Zenius  Expedia utk membantu kami belajar utk UNBK. Jika terdapat angka di blkg judul itu mengacu pada nomor video.

Bagi yg bermunat nonton video penjelasannya silakan beli CD Zenius Expedianya ya... tinggal dibrowsing di internet gimana pesannya.

Permasalahan Ekonomi
01. Ekonomi
Berasal dari kata
Oikos rumah tangga
Nomos adalah ilmu
Ilmu utk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga.

Kenapa dipelajari?
Karena kebutuhan kita banyak, gimana caranya memenuhi kebutuhan itu padahal Bumi punya sumber daya yg terbatas.

Masalah utama dlm ekonomi krn sumber daya terbatas:
1. What to produce: apa yg diproduksi dg bhn yg ada.
2. How? Gimana produksinya agar efisien dan efektif.
3. For whom? Buat siapa diproduksi?

Kebutuhan dan keinginan-apa bedanya?
Kebutuhan jika tdk dipenuhi kualitas hidup berkurang.
Keinginan (blm tentu butuh tapi pengin)

Mengapa kebutuhan tdk terbatas?
1. Sifat alami: situasi yg berubah
2. Tingkat pendapatan
3. Lingkungan alam
4. Lingkungan sosial,
5. Tehnologi informasi.
6. Budaya dan kepercayaan
7. Perdagangan internasional.

04. Macam2 kebutuhan
Menurut intensitas:
1.Primer: sandang, pangan, papan
2.Sekunder: transportasi
3.Tersier: liburan, perhiasan

semua kebutuhan itu relatif karena kebutuhan tiap org beda

05. Kebutuhan menurut waktu:
Masa depan
Mendesak, misal krn sakit dan kecelakaan.

Menurut sifat:
Jasmani misal: makan, pakaian, olah raga
Rohani (intangible): sosialisasi

Menurut subjek:
Individu adalah kebutuhan perorangan
Kolektif , misalnya pembangunan jalan

06. Alat pemuas kebutuhan.

Menurut cara perolehannya
1. Barang ekonomi berarti ada harga dan pengorbanan.
2. Barang bebas misalnya udara
3. Barang illith kalau banyak jadi masalah, contoh air dan api.

Jenis kegunaan:
1. Barang konsumsi
2. Barang produksi misal mesin jahit, pabrik

Menurut proses produksi
1. Barang jadi contoh: piano, baju
2. Barang setengah jadi
3. Bahan mentah

Hubungan dg brg lain
1. Barang substitusi : kopi dg teh, ayam atau daging
2. Barang komplementer : kopi dg gula

07. Sumber daya
1. Sumber Daya Alam: emas, air, ikan
2. Sumber daya modal
   Teknologi dan informasi

Macam2 sumber daya modal berdasarkan...
1. Wujud : uang, barang/peralatan
2. Sifat : modal tetap misalnya mesin jahit
               Modal lancar:habis digunakan misalnya kain yg dibuat
3. Subjek: perorangan dan kolektif
4. Bentuk: tangible (konkret) dan intangible misalnya reputasi
5. Sumber : milik sendiri, milik org lain

08 Scarcity/ langka
karena sumber daya terbatas mk terjadi kelangkaan.

09.Opportunity cost
Kalau uang terbatas harus memilih barang.
Rp. 10.000 bisa beli 2 buku @5000 atau es krim magnum @ 10.000
Membeli 1 magnum berarti mengorbankan buku. Buku ini disebut opportunity cost (yg dikorbankan krn uang terbatas)

Sebaliknya jika beli 2 buku maka es magnum jadi pengorbanannya.

10. Krn ada opportunity cost maka bisa diterapkan budget constraint (penetapan budget)

Motif ekonomi: alasan yg memotivasi utk melakukan kegiatan ekonomi
Kegiatan ekonomi: produksi, distribusi, konsumsi

Prinsip ekonomi: panduan utk melakukan kegiatan ekonomi utk menemukan perbandingan yg rasional antara pengorbanan dan hasil yg didapat.

Masalah ekonomi adalah krn kelangkaan sumber daya

Sistem Ekonomi: mekanisme, tata cara, aturan,ndan kebiasaan2 yg umum ditrima masyarakat utk menjawab masalah2 pokok ekonomi!
1. Sistem ekonomi tradisional   : produksi dan distribusinya sangat sederhana.
2. Sistem ekonomi terpusat (komando) pemerintah yg bertanggung jawab penuh.
3. Terbuka (pasar bebas)
    Peran pihak swasta
   Persaingan ketat
4. Sistem campuran: peran pemerintah dan swasta seimbang.
     UUD 45 pasal 33 landasan ekonomi indonesia

Peran Pelaku Ekonomi
Kegiatan ekonomi
1. Produksi menciptakan atau menambah nilai guna barang atau jasa.
2.Distribusi proses menyalurkan produksi ke konsumen.
3. Konsumsi: menggunakan atau mengurangi nilai barang

Pelaku Ekonomi
1. Rumah Tangga Produsen (RTP): memproduksi atau menambah nilai guna.
Peran RTP:
     1. Memproduksi
     2. Menggunakan faktor produksi spt SDM, SDA, modal,
     3. Agen pembangunan: membantu pemerintah dlm
          membangun ekonomi dg menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan

2. Rumah Tangga Konsumen (RTK)
     1. Mengkonsumsi barang atau jasa
     2. Pemasok faktor produksi (krn mrk akan kerja atau
         menaruh modal yg juga adalah faktor produksi utk dpt
3. Rumah Tangga Negara (Pemerintah)
    1. Mengatur/ regulator utk menjamin kegiatan ekonomi agar
         bisa lancar.
    2. Konsumen. Pemerintah juga beli barang utk membangun.
    3. Produsen. Pemerintah memproduksi minyak dll.
    4. Agen pembangunan

4. Masyarakat Luar Negeri.
    1. Mitra perdagangan. Misal kita beli handphone dari China
        atau barang kita dijual ke luar negeri.
   2. Pasar tenaga kerja. Kira bisa kirim tenaga kerja ke luar
        negeri ataupun org asing yg kerja di Indonesia.
   3. Investor. Perusahaan asing beroperasi di Indonesia, spt
       Nestle, Shell, dll.
   4. Sumber pinjaman dan bantuan.

Apa hubungan para pelaku ekonomi?
(Circular Flow Diagram)
Ada 3 diagram
1. Hubungan Rumah Tangga Produksi dan Konsumsi
2. Hubungan RTP, RTK dan pemerintah.
Gambar diambil dr link berikut...

3. Hubungan RTP, RTK, Pemerintah, dan Masyarakat Internasional.
(Gambarnya sama dg no 2 tapi ditambah panah eksport dan import)

contoh soal Paket C ttg bahan ini

Perilaku konsumen
1. Memuaskan kebutuhan agar bisa tetap hidup
2. Utility adalah nilai guna barang utk memuaskan kebutuhan.

Marginal utility: 
Pendekatan Kardinal
ketika makan makanan enak saat lapar nilai kepuasan 10
Habis makan, nambah mkn yg sama, nilai kepuasan menurun jadi 5 (krn udah kenyang, jadi ga terlalu puas lagi)

Ini adalah hukum Gosen 1 atau the law of diminishing marginal utility (kepuasan akan menurun saat mengkonsumsi brg yg sama terus menerus) sedangkan ...

Hukum Gosen 2 adalah mempertahankan tingkat kepuasan tetap sama. Caranya gimana?
Jangan makan makanan yg sama tiap hari, meski enak pasti bosen juga. Jadi variasikan pilihan kita.

Pendekatan Ordinal 
Indifference Curve dan budget line (seperti  opportunity cost.)
Diordokan /diurutkan tingkat kepuasannya.

Marginal Rate of Substitution

Nah...sekarang kita beralih ke perilaku produsen
Perilaku Produsen
1. Memenuhi kebutuhan (dibuat krn butuh)
2. Faktor2 produksi ada 4 : Alam, tenaga kerja, modal, keahlian.
    1. Alam: tanah, air, udara dsb.
     2. Tenaga kerja:
           Kualitas: terdidik contoh dokter, insinyur
                      Terlatih: montir,supir
                      Tidak terdidik atau terlatih: penjaga sekolah.
          Sifat: rohani contohnya guru
                    Jasmani contohnya kuli bangunan
     3. Modal 
          Sumber: sendiri, asing
          Bentuk: konkret, abstrak
          Kepemilikan: individu, masyarakat
          Modal : tetap (spt mesin), lancar (yg habis)
     4. Keahlian: kemampuan utk menggunakan faktor2 produksi

Klarifikasi Faktor Produksi
Faktor produksi tetap dan variable.
Faktor produksi tetap: gedung, mesin
Faktor produksi variable: tenaga kerja, bahan baku

Kurva Isoquant
Adalah dg 2 faktor produksi yg bervariable tapi quantitynya sama.
Gunanya agar bisa memaksimalkan output.

Produk Total: jumlah semua output dlm periode tertentu, shg kita bisa hitung produk rata2

Perekonomian tertutup adalah perekonomian 2 sektor, yaitu RTK dan RTP yaitu Perusahaan (RTP) dan masyarakat (RTK)

Sebenarnya konsep ekonomi ini simple tapi kadang soal2nya opsinya membingungkan contohnya sbb:

Pelaku2 ekonomi berikut ini menjadi konsumen pada pasar faktor2 produksi, kecuali...
A.  Rumah tangga konsumen
B.  Pemerintah
C. Rumah Tangga Perusahaan Lain
D. Rumah Tangga Perusahaan

Sekilas sy jawab D...tapi setelah melihat kunci ternyata jawabannya A.

Knp begitu?
Maksud soal ini adalah...
Yg menjadi konsumen (pengguna) dalam pasar faktor produksi adalah...
Pemerintah pada posisi sbg produsen (misal membangun jalan) butuh faktor produksi (para pekerja)
RTP utk produksi butuh uang, tenaga kerja dll jadi dia konsumen dari faktor2 produksi juga.
Masyarakat internasional sbg produsen juga butuh faktor produksi utk membuat barang dan jasa, jadi dia konsumen dlm pasar faktor produksi juga.
  • Yg tertinggal adalah opsi RTK, RTK tidak membutuhkan faktor produksi tapi dia supply uang, tenaga kerja, modal, dll. Jadi fungsi RTK dlmmpasar faktor produksi adalah sbg PEMASOK faktor produksi

1. Sesuatu yang diperoleh saat konsumen menambah satuan barang yang dikonsumsi merupakan kepuasan...
A. Dasar
B. Nilai barang
C. Marginal
D. Maksimal.

Jawabannya C yaitu kepuasan marginal

2. Pelaku2 ekonomi berikut ini menjadi konsumen pada pasar faktor2 produksi, kecuali...
A.  Rumah tangga konsumen
B.  Pemerintah
C. Rumah Tangga Perusahaan Lain
D. Rumah Tangga Perusahaan

jawabannya A.

3. Law of diminishing return (Perilaku Produsen)
Jika input ditingkatkan terus-menerus sementara faktor produksi yg lain tetap, akan mengakibatkan...
A.  output tidak akan mengalami perubahan.
B. Kenaikan output yg sebanding.
C. Penambahan output akan semakin lama semakin menurun.
D. Penurunan output yg signifikan.

Jawabannya C
Karena jika hanya satu saja faktor produksi ditingkatkan sedangkan yg lain tetap, maka terjadi ketidakseimbangan sistem produksi dan menyebabkan ketidak-efektifan dlm produksi

4. Pada teori guna ordinal, nilai kepuasan barang dan jasa diukur dalam bentuk...
A. Angka
B. Kurva
C. Grafik
D. Peringkat
E. Nominal

Jawabannya D karena ordinal atau ordo artinya pengelompokkan atau pengurutan.

5. Berdasarkan hukum Gossen II, setiap orang akan membagi-bagikan pendapatannya agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya yg beragam secara...
A. Seimbang
B. Teratur
C. Bergantian
D. Bersamaan

Jawabannya A seimbang sesuai dg yg dibutuhkan


Friday, October 19, 2018

English Spealing n composition My Favorite TV show

My Favorite TV Show

Different types of TV shows
1.  Reality shows adalah program di mana pemainnya bukan bintang film/ aktor tapi orang biasa.             Misalnya: Bedah Rumah, 
2.  Talk shows adalah program yg acaranya ngobrol2 dan wawancara
     Contohnya: Kick Andy, Hitam Putih

3.  Soap operas adalah serial drama TV
     Contohnya: Meteor Garden, Uttaran
4.  News adalah berita, 
     Contoh; Liputan 6, Kabar Hari Ini, CNN News, 
5.  Sports adalah program olahraga
     Contoh: ESPN
6.  Animated Cartoons adalah film animasi atau kartun.
     Contoh: Sponge Bob, Donald Duck/Disney Cartoons

Do you like watching TV?
What kinds of programs do you like?
What is your favorite TV show?
Why do you like it?
What can you learn from it?
Where do you like to watch it?
With whom do you watch it?
What about the rest of your family? 
Does your father like the program you like?
What time do you usually watch TV?
How many hours do you spend to watch TV?
Are there many commercials when you watch your favorite program?

Here is the example of a composition about the program I like.

My favorite TV Show is Animal Planet. I can learn many things about animals.
Sometimes they so look funny that I want to touch them. But sometimes I can feel terrified because they look ferocious and dangerous, especially when they hunt and eat the preys.

From the show, I know that sometimes they live in a difficult environment. It is not easy for them to survive, but how they use their instinct to overcome the difficult condition is amazing.  Their wonderful ability reminds me how the Creator has equipped them to use instinct to find the way to survival.

1. What is my favorite TV show?
2. What is your favorite TV show?
3. What is your father's favorite TV shows?
4. Why do I like watching Animal Planet?
5. What do I think about animals?
6. Do you sometimes feel terrified too when you see wild animals hunt and eat the peys?
7. What can I learn from the shows?
8. What do animal have that help them to survive?

ENGLISH speaking composition A Stray Dog

A Stray Dog.

1. Are you afraid of dogs?
2. Do you have a dog at home?
3. What is his/her name?What are their names?
4. Do you like to play with it/them?
5. Why do people have dogs as pets?
6. What kind of dogs you think are beautiful and friendly?
7. Do you think it is cheap/ expensive to keep a dog?
8. Do you sometimes give your dog a shower?
9. Do you take your dog to salon?
Picture taken from:https://www.groupon.com/deals/holly-s-dog-salon-boutique

10. Have you ever seen a  dog that does not belong to anybody?
11. What feeling do you have for stray dogs?
12. When the dogs without owner become so many, what should the government do to control their population?
A Stray Dog

A friend of mine found a dog in the middle of a long sidewalk. It was a beautiful dog. The dog looked confused and lost. My friend came closer said "Pretty dog...come...come". The little white dog came closer and it did not refuse when my friend tried to carry her in her bossom.

She then called me and  said, " I can not adopt her, because I am working. I cannot take care of her. But she is really beautiful, like a small wolf. Come over and look at it yourself"

I hasitated, but my kids say "Come on mama..let's go and see the dog."

I looked at my husband. He nodded. And off we went over my friend's office.

The first time we saw her we fell in love with her. We agreed to adopt her...even though we had already had one dog.

The dog stayed with us for about 6 months.  Then we heard that somebody wanted a pet. She was willing to love Hatchi, as we named the dog. We thought we needed only one pet, so we gave Hatchi away.

Hatchi found a new owner, a new house, a new master who loved her.

We were happy to have had Hatchi in our house.  But we were also relieved that now we only had ONE pet to take care. The pet that would accept our only attention. Our old and faithful sausage  back dog, called Cameo.

1. Who found a white dog?
2. What does the dog look like?
3. What was the name of the white dog?
4. How long did Hatchi live with us?
5. Why did we gave Hatchi away?
6. How many dogs do we have now?
7. What color was Cameo?

Thursday, October 18, 2018

English Speaking Composition- occupation

Occupations pictures

Picture taken from Google 

Beginner to upper beginner quetions:
Do you know what occupation these people have?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What is your mother's job?
What is your father's job?
Do you like your father's job?
Do you like your mother's job?
Where does your father work?
When does your mother work?
Do you think a housewife is also an occupation?
What job do people avoid? (Garbageman or something...)
If we do not have them in our life, will our life be more difficult or easy?

Pictue taken from Google

More advanced level
What job would you like to have?
Why do you want this job?
How much money do you expect to get?
What training or education do you need.?
Where do you work? Indoor or outdoor?
What time do you have to go to work?
Does your work will require you to go out of town?
Do you like working with machines or people? Why?
What are the challenges of the work?
Have you ever asked someone else about the challenges of the work they have? (Ask what they do not like about the job?

Now you can try to write a composition to sum up our discussion
For example:

My Dream

When I grow up I want to be an architec because I like making houses. I want to build my own house. Even now I often build many houses using building blocks. I think it is a fun job.

I do not want to be a doctor because a doctor is very busy. My father is a doctor. Sometimes he has to work from evening to the next morning.

My father likes his job very much though,  because he likes to save people. He does not mind staying up late when there's an emergency patient. So even though I do not want to be a doctor, I am proud of him because he knows how to cure us when we are sick.

How about you?
What do you want to be?

Monday, October 15, 2018


Hello everyone,  I want to talk about Dachshund breed dogs

Characteristics of a Dachshund:
-long (like a sausage)
-short (like a lamborghini)
-long ears that can't stand up/perk up

One of the nicknames of this dog is WIENER or SAUSAGE dog.

This is my dog, Cameo. She is 10 right now. She was born in 2008.

English Speaking composition Making Composition

                            MAKING A COMPOSITION

Making composition is a difficult thing to do for me because I DON'T LIKE it. I think this is a skill that not every one has. And NOT every one was born to be a story writer or a journalist. The same thing, some people were not born to be painters and singers etc. When we are trying to do the things we were not born to, sometimes the result is chaos. And someone will say about you: " The way you sing is out of tune, the picture you draw is not good, or the writing you wrote in boring..."

SO are we not supposed to do things that we are not talented to??

A mother who is not a chef can not always eat out to prepare food for the family... sometimes there are times when she has to cook herself when the family do not have time to go out to eat or when somebody in the family is sick at home.

A father who cannot sew does not mean he can not hep himself to button the loosed button or sew the small torn of a piece of clothes....

Somebody who always sings out of tune....when he/she is sad, is it NOT allowed to sing a consolation song? Or when the person is happy to sing his/her favorite song, does anybody should prevent him/her from singing?
I do not think our society will treat him/her they way they treat Cacofonix in Asterix's books... :)

credit picture: re-uploaded from Google site... 

So the same thing with composition, one day you will be faced in a condition when you need to write or compose. So WHY not try once in a while to write a composition, just to make your mind sharp and clear??

The benefit of composition
One good thing about making composition is that it makes you think more clearly, because you have to write it down, and you will re-read your composition and maybe you can CHANGE your mind or you alter the WAY to say it because you want to make it clearer or softer, rather than being too straightforward or being too frank....

Why making composition is good? When  you write you will ask the following questions...
1. What is the PURPOSE of the writing. WHY are you writing that composition.
2. WHO is the audience. Are you directing your writing to a specific group of people or people in general.
3. HOW you can make the composition understandable?
4. WHAT evidence you can present to support your opinion. Think about mentioning statistics, articles or expert opinions to support your writing.

Bearing those things in mind, you will judge your own writing and make changes that you think necessary to make the writing more appealing, interesting and clearer.

Have your ever heard the saying: PUT IT IN WRITING... Yes, it is a saying that is correct because we may forget what we have agreed with someone else. By putting it in writing we are trying to make it clear the details of the agreement to avoid misunderstanding in the future.

To some extent writing a composition will train you to put your thoughts in writing the way other people can understand it.

Even when you think that you are not a good writer, why don't you start writing your thoughts and experience in writing? I am sure someday you will cherish one or many many of your own writings.

The following is an example simple composition...

My Favorite TV Show

foto credit Animal Planet
My favorite TV Show is Animal Planet. I can learn many things about animals.
Sometimes they so look funny that I want to touch them. But sometimes I can feel terrified because they look ferocious and dangerous, especially when they hunt and eat the preys.

From the show, I know that sometimes they live in a difficult environment. It is not easy for them to survive, but how they use their instinct to overcome the difficult condition is amazing.  Their wonderful ability reminds me how the Creator has equipped them to use instinct to find the way to survival.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Beda Waktu Jakarta dg beberapa kota lain

  Jakarta lebih lambat 1 jam daripada kota2 berikut:
  Contoh: Di Jakarta jam 10,di Shanghai jam 11
Semua kota di China terletak dlm satu zona waktu dan beda 1 jam lebih cepat daripada Jakarta.
kota2 sbb:
Xi an

Hong Kong

Ulan Batur (Mongol)

Dan kota2 lain yg beda 1 jam lebih cepat
Taipei, Taiwan
Kuala Lumpur

Dan yg juga 1 jam lebih cepat dp Jakarta adalah
Denpasar, Bali

Lihat info di link berikut

Sunday, October 7, 2018


Simple expresions to learn Bahasa Indonesia

Nama saya...
Saya tinggal di...
Saya berumur... tahun
Saya suka makan
Bihun goreng
Nasi padang
Soto mie
Soto Padang
Soto Betawi

Saya mau beli...
Sawi putih
Sawi sendok
Daun ketela
Daun singkong
Kembang kol
Jamur kuping
Jamur merang
Jamur tiram
Jamur hioko

Bumbu dapur
Saya butuh

Kayu manis
Bunga pekak


Daun salam
Daun jeruk
Daun ketumbar

Bawang merah
Bawang putih
Bawang bombay
Cabe merah
Cabe keriting
Cabe rawit

Saya mau masak, saya butuh
Kecap asin
Kecap manis
Saus tiram
Minyak wijen
Minyak jagung
Minyak canola
Minyak zaitun

Saya mau buat kue, saya butuh
Tepung terigu protein tinggi
Tepung terigu protein rendah
Tepung maizena
Tepung beras
Tepung ketan
Coklat meses
Gula palem

Saya suka makan buah
Buah naga

Jeruk lemon
Jeruk nipis
Jeruk kunci
Jeruk limau
Jeruk Bali
Jeruk purut

Saya suka pelajaran
bahasa Inggris
bahasa Indonesia
Olah raga

Saya suka
Main badminton
Main bola
Main gitar
Main piano

Apa ini?
Ini apa namanya?

Bisa tolong saya?
Tolong...terjemahkan ini ke Inggris.
Tolong angkat barang ini.

Saya senang bertemu denganmu.
Saya senang berkenalan denganmu.

Saya lapar.
Saya haus.
Saya lelah.
Saya capek sekali.
Saya mengantuk.
Saya marah.

Apakah Anda/ Ibu/ Bapak/ Kakak/ Adik ...

Kita mau makan
Makanan sudah siap
Silakan cuci tangan
Tolong ambilkan
Kecap manis
Kecap asin
Minyak wijen

Saya mau pulang.
Saya mau tidur.
Saya mau mandi.
Saya mau makan.
Saya mau belajar...besok ada ulangan.

Berapa harganya?
Apakah bisa kurang?

Saya mau beli satu.
Saya mau beli satu lusin.

Tempat ini kotor perlu...

Meja ini kotor
Kamar ini kotor
Kamar mandi ini bau
Kamu bau

Saya sudah memasak
Saya sudah mandi
Saya sudah makan
Saya sudah membayarnya.

Saya belum masak.
Kita makan di luar saja.
Saya malas masak

Hari sudah malam
Saya sudah mengantuk
Ayo cepat tidur
Saya tidak mengantuk
Saya tidak bisa tidur
Saya mau membaca saja.
Tolong matikan lampunya
Jangan matikan lampunya

Saya butuh sprei

Tolong ganti spreinya.
Tolong ganti sarung bantalnya

Tolong ganti bajumu
Pakailah baju tidur
Cuci kakimu
Cuci mukamu
Gosok gigimu.

Keramas rambutmu
Sisir rambutmu.
Kamu belum sisir rambut ya?
Rambutmu berantakan.
Saya lupa menyisir rambut.

Rambut kamu beruban.
Saya mau menyemir rambut saya
Saya mau creambath.
Saya mau gunting rambut

Saya mau berangkat
Mana bekal saya?
Apakah kamu sudah siap?
Sudah bawa handphonemu?
Sudah bawa dompetmu?
Jangan lupa bawa dompet,
Jangan lupa bawa handphone.
Jangan lupa tas sekolahmu.
Jangan lupa bawa jas hujan
Jangan lupa bawa topi.
Jangan lupa bawa payung.

Tolong tutup pintu.
Tolong buka pintu.
Tolong tutup jendela.
Tolong buka jendela.
Tolong buang sampah.
Tolong jawab teleponnya.
Tolong lantai dipel.
Tolong lantai disapu
Tolong siapkan makanannya.
Tolong siapkan minumannya.

Tolong bikin kopi.
Tolong bikin teh buat tamu.
Tolong bikin teh buat saya.
Tolong siapkan susu.
Tolong siapkan air panas.
Tolong panaskan makanan.
Tolong rebus air.
Tolong mandikan anak-anak.
Tolong jaga anak-anak
Tolong matikan mobilnya.

Jangan lupa isi bensin.
Jangan lupa kasih makan anjing
Jangan lupa kasih makan kucing
Jangan lupa kasih makan anak-anak
Jangan lupa matikan TV
Jangan lupa matikan handphone
Jangan lupa pergi ke pasar

Tolong kerjakan PR
Tolong ketik buat saya.
Tolong jelaskan ini ke saya.

Apakah kalian sudah siap?
Ayo kita berangkat.
Tunggu sebentar...
Saya mau kencing dulu.
Saya sakit perut.
Saya mau ke WC
Saya sudah siap..
Sebentar saya lupa tas saya.
Sebentar...saya lupa handphone saya.

Apakah kamu sudah...
Gosok gigi?
Buang air besar?
Buang air kecil?
Menyisir rambutmu?
Cuci muka?
Cuci tangan?
Cuci kaki?
Cuci baju?
Cuci piring?
Cuci mobil?
Mandikan bayi?
Mandikam anjing?
Beri makan anjing?
Beri makan bayi (ganti dg nama bayinya)

Apakah kamu bisa...
Membaca mandarin
Menyetir mobil
Naik sepeda roda dua
Mandikan bayi
Menggunakan komputer
Berbahasa Inggris
Berbahasa Mandarin
Berbahasa Jepang
Berbahasa Perancis
Berbahasa Arab

Maukah kamu menemani saya ke
Kantor polisi
Dokter gigi
Dokter mata
Dokter anak
Rumah sakit
Toko handphone
Kantor pos
Kantor notaris
Toko bangunan
Showroom mobil
Pet shop
Toko bunga
Rumah makan... (ikuti dg nama restorannya)

ENGLISH Gerunds and infinitives

Common verbs followed by gerunds
think about      avoid                         consider  appreciate 
talk about        finish(get through)    postpone (put off)
enjoy               discuss                       mind
quit (give up)  stop**                        delay
mention           keep (keep on)          suggest

For stop can be followed by infinitive means to stop from walking to do someting else.

Taken from Betty Scrampfer Azar