Friday, July 20, 2018



Definisi peluang
Peluang adalah suatu kesempatan terjadinya suatu kejadian.
Range peluang adalah 0 sd 1
0 berarti tidak mungkin terjadi, misal Ayam melahirkan anjing
1 berarti pasti terjadi : matahari terbit di timur
Sedangkan kemungkinan suatu kesempatan muncul biasanya dilambangkan dlm pecahan.

Rumus peluang

P(A) =  n (A)

P(A) peluang munculnya A
n (A) =banyaknya kejadian A
n (S) = banyaknya  seluruh kejadian

Contoh Genta Grup SKL hal 190 no. 2
Dalam percobaan melempar dadu
sebanyak sekali, peluang muncul mata
dadu prima adalah
A. 1/6
B. 1/4
C. 1/3
D. 1/2

n(A) = kejadian mata dadu prima yaitu 2,3,5 yaitu 3 jadian.
n(S) = semua kemungkinan yaitu munculnya 1,2,3,4,5,6 yaitu 6 kejadian
Jadi peluang (A) = 3/6 atau 1/2

SKL genta grup hal. 191 no. 2
Suatu keluarga mengikuti program
Keluarga Berencana yaitu memiliki 2 anak
saja. Jika peluang lahir anak laki-laki dan
lahir anak perempuan sama, peluang
kedua anaknya perempuan adalah
A. 1/4
B. 1/3
C. 1/2
D. 2/3

Kemungkinan punya anak perempuan keduanya adalah...

SKL genta grup hal.191 no.3
Dua dadu mata enam dilempar bersama-
sama. Peluang muncul dua mata dadu
yang jumlahnya 4 atau 10 adalah.
A. 3/4
B. 1/2
C. 1/3
D. 1/6

Jumlah kejadian (ruang sampel/seluruh kejadian) atau n(S) adalah...
Jika 2 mata uang logam, krn masing2 uang logam punya 2 kemungkinan, maka seluruh kejadian adalah 2x2 = 4
Sedangkan 3 mata uang adalah 2x2x2= 8
lihat bagan di bawah ini

Hafalkan saja yg di kotak hijau ya....
Sekarang kita lihat soalnya sbb:

SKL genta grup hal 191 no.4
Dalam percobaan melempar undi 3 buah
uang logam secara bersamaan, peluang
muncul ketiganya gambar adalah....
A. 1/8
B. 2/8
C. 3/8
D. 4/8
Ingat GGG kemungkinannya 1 dari total 8
Jadi 1/8
Jawabannya A

Soal diambil dari Insight Chamber
Dalam percobaan melempar undi 3 buah uang
logam secara bersamaan, peluang muncul 2
angka adalah ..
B. 2/3
C. 3/5
D. 5/8
Ingat AAG adalah 3
Total sampel 8
Jadi 3/8, jawabannya A

SKL Genta grup hal. 192 no.2
Bima melambungkan dua dadu sebanyak
720 kali. Frekuensi harapan munculnya
mata dadu bermata sama adalah... kali.
A. 100
B. 110
C. 120
D. 130

Sebuah uang koin dilemparkan sebanyak 3 kali Berapalah peluang angka muncul tepat 2 kali?  Sebelum melihat link video insight chamber berikut simak gb berikut yg menarik yaitu fakta bhw pelemparan 1 koin selama 2 kali dg 3 koin sekaligus ternyata sama

Karena yg ditanyakan peluang angka tepat dua kali maka kita pilih peluang AAG yaitu 3 dibandingkan dg peluang seluruh kejadian yaitu 8, jadi peluangnyam= 3/8

TKP SMK (soal diambil dr link berikut
28. Tiga mata uang logam dilempar undi bersama-sama sebanyak 80 kali. Frekuensi harapan
muncul paling sedikit 2 angka adalah....
A. 60 kali
B. 50 kali
C. 40 kali
D. 30 kali
E. 20 kali

Hati-hati...soalnya bilang minimal 2 angka berarti 3 angka juga termasuk
AAG =3
AAA= 1
MINIMAL 2 A adalah 3(AAG)+1 (AAA) = 4
dari ruang sampel atau seluruh kejadian 8
Jadi dlm satu lemparan peluangnya 4/8 atau 0,5
Jadi dlm 80 kali pelemparan, peluangnya 0,5 x 80 = 40

Thursday, July 19, 2018


Soal2 Genta Grup SKL hal 186 no.2
Rata-rata nilai siswa putri 80 dan rata-
rata nilai siswa putra 75. Jika rata-rata
nilai seluruh siswa 78, sedangkan jumlah
seluruh siswa 30 orang, banyak siswa
putri adalah....
A. 12 orang
B. 14 orang
C. 16 orang
D. 18 orang

siswa putri dilambangkan dg x
Siswa putra dilambangkan dg y
 x = 80
∑ y = 75
∑ x dan Y= 78
x + y = 30

Jadi diketahui persamaan pertama adalah x + y = 30

Sekarang kita mencari jumlah total nilai yaitu rata2 seluruh siswa dikali jumlah siswa
78 x 30 = 2340
2340 adalah total nilai anak laki2 dan perempuan atau bisa dilambangkan persamaan sbb:
80x + 75 y = 2340

Skg kita sdh py 2 persamaan yg bisa dieliminasi sbb:


Genta Grup SKL hal. 187 no.1
Nilai rata-rata ulangan SBK 30 siswa
dalah 6,5. Jika Dani mendapat nilai 7,5
tidak diikutkan, rata-rata ulangan mereka
A. 6,5
B. 6,8
C. 7,0
D. 7,3

Soal SKl genta grup hal 187 no.2

Modus adalah nilai yg paling sering keluar.
Dlm tabel frekuensi tertinggi adalah 9, maka modus nya harus melebihi angka 9, yaitu minimal 10
Jika seluruh frekuensi dijumlahkam dan ditambah minimum 10 maka sbb: 6 + 5 + 10 + 9 + 8 =38
Tapi tdk ada jwb 38, maka modusnya berarti 11 dan jumlahnya 39.
Jadi jawabannya D

Menghitung presentase dari jumlah siswa jika diketahui nilai rata-ratanya
Rata-rata nilai siswa wanita adalah 70 dan
siswa laki-laki adalah 72. Rata-rata nilai
keseluruhan adalah 71. Maka persentase
banyaknya siswa laki-laki adalah ...%
A. 20
B. 30
C. 50
D. 60

Misalkan W adalah wanita dan L adalah laki2
∑ W= 70
∑ L= 72
∑(L+ W) = 71

70W + 72 L = 71 (W + L)
70W + 72 L = 71 W + 71 L
72 L - 71 L  = 71 W - 70 W
                 L = W
Jika jumlah laki2 adalah 12, maka perempuan adalah 12
Jika jumlah laki2 adalah 10, maka perempuan juga 10

Atau dlm persentase adalah 50:50

Jadi jawabannya adalah C

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Chapter 1 Plants and Animals
Summary of Big Science Grade 5 Pearson Chapter 1

Vocabulary hal 4
Moth : ngengat    
Goose :angsa
Porcupine: landak
Turtle: kura2
Prickly pear cactus: kaktus pear berduri (buahnya bisa dimakan)

Vocab hal. 5
Characteristics: sifat2
Offspring: keturunan
Heredity: penurunan sifat de orang tua ke anak
Inherit    : diturunkan
Camouflage: kamuflase (menyamakan penampilan dg sekitarnya 
                        sehingga tidak mudah dilihat)
Competition: kompetisi
Advantage: keuntungan

How does each plant and animal protect itself?
Moth : camouflage
Goose : fly
Porcupine: spines
Turtle : hard shell
Cactus : thorn

What     plant           and.  animal   charateristics are inherited ?
Apa yg tumbuhan   dan binatang sifat/cirinya yg diturunkan?
Answer: the shape of the body, the colour of hair or skin, etc.

Vocab hal. 5
Monk : pendeta
Stems: batang
Leaves: daun2
Pods: kantong biji2an
Qualities: sifat2

1. Charateristics are the qualities an organism has.
2. The charteristics of the offspring are inherited from the parents
3. The offsprings are not exactly the same with their parents.
4. The study of herediry learns why offsprings may have different characteristics from their parents.

Exercise: translate this information to Indonesian, use the blank space under the engliash line to write the definitions

Animals and plants inherit their characteristics

from their parents and look very much like them. 

In science, to inherit is to receive characteristics, or 

traits from an organism's parents.

Animals and plants will pass these traits on to their 

own offspring.

The prickly pear cactus has sharp spines. Look at its 

paddle-shaped pads. These are flattened stems that act 

like leaves. They have a waxy coating to help the plant 

hold in moisture. Notice that the pads have two kinds 

of sharp spines. Some spines are long. Other spines 

are short but break off easily. The cactus looks

the way it does because it has inherited these traits.

Characteristic that helps the prickly pear cactus 

survive in a dry environment: it has a waxy coating to 

help the plant hold moisture
(Adopted from Big Science 5 page 6)
Credit gambar sesuai yg dikutip di bawahnyanya

We do not mistake a zebra from any other animals because even though they look like horses but they have white and black stripes on their skins.

Peacock flounder adalah ikan sebelah.
Hak cipta gambar sesuai link yg dikutip dibawah gambar

Kedua mata dari ikan ada di satu sisinya, sisi lainnya tanpa mata.
Ikan ini juga tubuhnya gepeng, selain itu dia bisa berubah warna sesuai dg warna sekitarnya sehingga mengejutkan bagi pemangsanya dan dengan demikian terhindar dari pemangsa. 
Sifat2 dan kemampuan ikan tersebut adalah sifat yg diturunkan.

Manusia juga menurunkan sifat2nya pada anaknya.
Misalnya warna rambut, kulit, tinggi atau pendek seseorang. Namun kadang2 anak bisa lebih tinggi dari orang tuanya ataupun sebaliknya. Jadi yg anak dan orang tua bisa jadi tidak begitu mirip, inilah yg diamari oleh Gregor Mendel dannpada akhirnya muncullah cabang ilmu yg disebut Hededity.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Kesebangunan dan kekongruenan

Syarat sebangun, contoh soal,  lihat video kak Wahyu dg link sbb:

Soal SKL Genta Group hal. 181 no.2

Bangun ABCD dan bangun AEFG
sebangun. Luas bangun ABCD adalah
A. 162,0 cm
B. 202,5 cm
C. 324,0 cm
D. 405,0 cm

Untuk hitung luas trapesium adalah perlu tahu 2 sisi sejajar, dan tinggi trapesium. Rumus jumlah 2 sisi sejajar x tinggi 
Langkah 1 : cari panjang DC
Pertama2 perhatikan bagian mana yg bisa dibandingkan untuk mencari panjang DC
(Silakan lihat gb berikut di kotak merah.

Langkah 2: cari panjang AB (lihat kotak hijau)

Langkah 3: cari tinggi AD

Langkah ke 4
Menghitung luas trapesium
Luas = (DC + AB) x AD atau CE

Luas = (9 + 18) x 12
Luas = 27 x 6 = 162
Jadi jawabannya A

Soal SKL Genta Group hal. 181 no.3
3. Sebuah foto ditempelkan pada
sehelai karton seperti tampak pada gambar.
Di sebelah sisi kanan
dan kiri foto masih terdapat karton 
masing-masing selebar
5cm. Apabila foto dan karton sebangun,
luas karton yang tidak tertutup foto

A. 875 cm2
B. 720 cm2
C. 640 cm2
D. 520 cm

Soal Skl Genta Grup Kaji Latih Mandiri hal. 182 no.2
Sebuah karton berukuran tinggi dan lebar
berturut-turut 36 cm dan 24 cm. Karton
tersebut akan ditempeli sebuah foto
dengan sisa karton sebelah kiri, kanan
dan atas foto 2 cm. Jika foto dan karton
sebangun, maka sisa karton di bawah
foto adalah .. cm
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3

Soal Skl Genta Grup Kaji Latih Mandiri hal. 182 no.4
Perhatikan gambar berikut

Jika segitiga ABC sebangun den
segitiga DEC, pernyataan berikut yang
benar adalah
A. Panjang AC 4 cm
B. Panjang DC 1 cm
C. Panjang CE 2 cm
D. Panjang BC 4 cm

Ingat yg dibandingkan adalah segitiga kecil/ hijau dg segitiga/ merah
Soal Skl Genta Grup Kaji Latih Mandiri hal. 183. No 1
Denah rumah Anifa Rahmahwati berbentuk persegi panjang dengan skala
1:9.500. Jika pada gambar panjang dan lebar pada gambar berturut-turut 20 cm dan 10 cm, luas sebenarnya rumah Anifa Rahmahwati adalah ...m2.
A. 180.500
B. 185.000
C. 1.805.000
D. 1.850.000

Soal Skl Genta Grup Kaji Latih Mandiri hal. 183. No 2
Perhatikan gb berikut!
Panjang EF adalah...
A. 12
B. 14
C. 16
D. 18

Soal Skl Genta Grup Kaji Latih Mandiri hal. 183. No 4
Pada suatu hari Desti menghitung tinggi
tiang dengan mengukur bayangannya. Jika
pada saat yang sama, Desti melihat tanaman
yang tingginya 20 cm, mempunyai panjang
bayangan 60 cm. Maka tinggi tiang yang
panjang bayangannya 4,8 m adalah...m
A. 1,2
B. 1,4
C. 1,6
D. 1,8

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Hello, is Mr. Pilemon there?
Yes, hold on...
Can you hold on a minute, I will put you through Mr. Pilemon.

Sorry, I cannot put you through Mr. Pilemon.
Sorry, I cannot connect you to Mr. Pilemon
because he is at the meeting.

Hello, can I speak to Mr. Pilemon?
No, he is not here.
Can you ask him to call me back when he has got back?
Sorry, he cannot call you back because he is taking a leave.
He cannot ring you back because he is taking a leave.
He cannot return your call because he is abroad.

Hello, can I speak to Mr. Pilemon?
Sorry, you have got the wrong number

Attach a report to the email.
Attach a photo
Write an email
Send an email
Forward the email

Working with computer
Log on the computer.
Click on the button.
Be careful, do not click on the wrong button, you can delete the data by mistake.
I have wiped the data by mistake.

Undo the command
Search the file

Sending packages
Wrap the package.
Deliver the package.
The package is urgent, so I will get a motorbike rider to courier it for me.

Have you received the package?

Resep Pilihan Oma Zhong Niang

Resep Bolu kukus
500 gr terigu cakra
500 gr gula pasir
6 telor
1 botol sprite

Telor dan gula dikocok 15 menit
Setelah itu tambahkan terigu dan air soda

Juli 18, 2018
Bawang goreng kriuk
Sudah berkali2 goreng bawang ga bisa kriuk... 
Kali ini ada oma yg ajarin kami gimana bikin bawang kriuk

Jangan dicuci bawangnya
Balur dg garam secukupnya
2 sdm tp beras (untuk ukuran 250 gr bawang yg sdh diiris)
Masukkan bawang saat minyak panas
Goreng dg api sedang
Minyak  harus cukup banyak shg bawang tenggelam

Ooya kali ini  (bulan Nov 2018) kami mencoba lagi resep di atas dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan..bawang garing...kriuk
Ini videonya... bunyinya garing...srik, srik, srik

Juli 17, 2018
Pempek2 Udang
5 bawang putih
0,5kg Udang, kupas bersih (udang kupas 3,5 ons)
450 gr tepung kanji
2 es batu
0,25 gelas air dingin

Udang cincang tambahkan garam dan 2 keping es batu kecil
Tambahkan bengkuang dan tepung kanji
Uleni sampai rataA

Baluri tangan dg tepung ambil sesendok adonan dan bulatkan
Masukkan dlm air mendidih  (bulatkan adonan sampai habis dan rebus semuanya)
Setelah mnegapung angkat dg saringan

Setelah dingin boleh digoreng.

Tauco 0,5 gelas, 
BP 5
1 ons cabe, buang biji dan dijus
Jus semuanya 
Kukus sambalnya.
Tambahkan sonkit

Empek-empek versi 2
300 gram udang 
4 bawang putih
200 gram wortel cincang
2 lembar daun bawang
200 gram tepung kanji
70 gram terigu
1 buah telor


Caranya sama dg di atas yg versi 1

Versi 3 sama dg di atas dg daging ikan (bukan dg udang)

Overnight Oat
Utk 2 porsi
1 apel kupas, iris tipis
10 sdm oat
3 sdm muesli
5 buah strawberry
2 sdm kismis
4 sdm susu bubuk
Tambahkan air supaya bahan di atas tenggelam
Taruh dan aduk semua bahan di atas
Kulkas semalaman, besok pagi baru disantap.

13 juli 2018
Soto Tauco

5 bawang merah
3 bawang putih
0,5 sdt ketumbar
Merica secukupnya
6 kemiri
Kunyit halus
Bumbu di atas dihaluskan dan ditumis
Salam, serai, lengkuas
Tambahkan air setengah panci
Masukkan ayam 1 ekor, dipresto 8 menit
Tambahkan garam dan gula

Kerupuk bawang digoreng
Bawang goreng
Daun bawang

 4 Bawang merah
1 Bawang putih
 5 Cabe 
3 sdm Tauco

Bolu Tape

Telur 6
Terigu 100 gr
Gula 130 gr
Tape 200 gr 
Minyak 50 ml
susu cair 100 ml
Topping tambahan kismis dan keju

Pisahlah telur putih dan merah, kocok sendiri-sendiri dan tambahkan 65gr gula masing masing
Tape di kocok dengan susu dan minyak sampai halus
Lalu aduk semuanya dan panggang di oven selama 40 menit.

12 Juli 2018
Empek- empek

0,5 kilo ikan tengiri giling
3 ons bengkuang parut kasar
0,5 kilo sagu tani 
2 ons terigu
2 ons sagu tani
Air es secukupnya
1 buah telor
5 buah bawang putih halus
Merica halus secukupnya
Semua diuleni sampai rata
Bentuk bulat2 
Rebus, tunggu sampai mengambang lalu tiriskan

Bumbu kuah
2 bawang putih
2 ons gula merah
1 sdm Cabe giling
2 sendok cuka
Rebus semua bumbu kuah sampai mendidih

Kentang rebon

1 ons rebon kering,  goreng
 1 kg Kentang kupas dan serut bentuk korek, goreng
250 gr kacang, goreng

6 buah bawang merah
3 bawang putih
 3 sendok makan cabe giling
Ketiga bahan diatas ditumis 
Tambahkan 2 sdm gula pasir
Garam sesuai selera

Masukkan kentang dan rebon goreng sampai rata.

11 Juli 2018
3 buah labu siam 
1 tahu besar (5 tahu kecil) goreng dan potong 
6 telor, rebus dan kupas
Krecek (kulit sapi) satu bungkus 
Santan kental dari setengah biji kelapa, peras dg air minum (dicampur saat mau makan utk menghindari kolesterol krnpemanasan santan)

5 buah bawang merah
3 buah bawang putih
5 biji kemiri
0,5 sdt ketumbar
Cabe halus

Bawang merah, putih, kemiri, ketumbar di atas digiling halus dan ditumis sampai wangi dg 6 sdm minyak
Masukkan labu, tahu
Bumbui dg garam, merica, gula
Setelah matang (sebelum makan tuang dan campur dg santan kental )

Bolu Kukus 

4 telor ayam ukuran besar
140 gr terigu
140 gr gula
65 ml santan dicampur air jadi 100ml
75 ml minyak
Perisa pandan/ coklat bubuk

Gula dan telor dikocok 15 menit
Terigu di ayak dimixer dg kecepatan rendah
Tambahkan santan dan minyak
Taruh di pinggan/ loyang

Dikukus dg api kecil 
Tutup kukusan dibungkus kain
Kukus sekitar 20 menit, tusuk dg lidi jika lidi masih lengket berarti kue blm matang, jika pada lidi tidak menempel berarti bolu sdh matang


Ceker ayam cuci bersih lalu direndam cuka dan garam
Bilas bersih  kemudian goreng
Angkat dan langsung rendam dg es batu selama 2 jam

Bahan bumbu:
7 bawang merah
5 bawang putih
1 sdm angkak merah
3 sdm cabe halus
2 sdm tauco

1 sdm saus tiram
Garam secukupnya
Semua dihaluskan dan ditumis dg minyak 

Masukkan ceker goreng yg sdh direndam es ke dlm tumisan bumbu lalu presto selama 20 menit

Ceker ayam pedes

Ceker buatan mamih yg muantap banget rasanya...sampe Phoebe minta2 dibikinin meski kalau makan bibirnya dower biar pedes tapi minta2 lagi...semuanya ketagihan hehehe.... Mau resepnya?
Apalagi ini ga pakai acara goreng2...jadi lebih sehat... 1 kilo ceker
5 bawang merah iris
3 bawang putih
1 sdt bumbu gohyong
1 ons cabe merah halus
1 sdm saus tiram
1 buah tomat cincang
3 sdm minyak wijen
kecap asin secukupnya
tauco (opsional)
angkak (opsional)

presto ceker 5 menit, lalu buang airnya

tumis bwg merah, bwg putih smp wangi
tambahkan semua bahan lain
tambahkan air 500cc
masukkan kuah bumbu dan ceker ke dalam presto, presto lagi 15 menit

Hati Ampela Cap Gomeh

4 pasang hati ampla (ampla direbus dulu)
200 gr udang
5 Bawang merah iris halus
3 Bawang putih
2 lbr Salam
5 cm Lengkuas
Cabe halus
5 Cabe merah besar 
Tahu/ kentang
Santan 500ml
1 papan Pete iris jadi 4

Tahu potong kecil goreng setengah matang
Cabe besar buang biji, iris halus

Tumis bumbu 
Masukkan pete dan ampla ati
Tambahkan garam, gula 

Terakhir masukkan santan kental

Monday, July 9, 2018

Persiapan UN SMP

Dear students, parents, and teachers...

Belajar soal2 yg telah lewat sangat membantu kita utk mempersiapkan diri utk Ujian Nasional.
Berikut adalah video2 yg telah berhasil membantu kami belajar matematika dg cara yg lebih menyenangkan...

Soal2 prediksi 1 Matematika Mudah
Prediksi 2
Prediksi 3
Prediksi 4
Prediksi 5

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Mata Pelajaran Paket C jurusan IPS


Karena saya membimbing anak2 saya di rumah (homeschool), maka yg jadi perhatian saya adalah mempersiapkan ujian paket C mereka.

Oiya... jangan dipandang sebelah mata ttg program ini krn program paket memberi kesempatan bagi yg dulu tidak menyelesaikan bangku sekolah utk mencapai dan memperbaiki masa lalu mereka.
Bahkan yg sangat menginspirasi adalah menteri perikanan Susi pun mengikuti ujian paket C tgl 11 sd 13  Mei 2018. Sungguh tidak ada kata terlambat utk belajar...

Oiya baca beritanya langsung di detik dg link sbb

Karena mrk tdk dipersiapkan utk menjadi dokter ataupun jurusan IPA lainnya, maka yg dibahas di sini adalah jurusan IPS

Adapun yg di test dlm paket C adalah 7 mata pelajaran berikut..sedangkan nomor 8 sd 10 adalah mata pelajaran yg ditambahkan oleh sekolah.

1. Bahasa Indonesia
2. Pkn
3. Matematika
4. Geografi
5. Ekonomi
6. Sosiologi
7. Bhs Inggris

8. Agama
9. Budaya
10. Penjaskes
11. Sejarah


These stories are re-uploaded from the book titled Short Stories for Children for Spoken English Program (Youth for Seva)


A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: “TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE.”

They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one, who had been slapped, got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After the friend recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: “TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE.”

The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?” The other friend replied: “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.



"A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" 
Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?" 
And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!" 
The voice answers: "I admire you!" 
Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!" 
He receives the answer: "Coward!" 
He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!" 
The voice answers: "You are a champion!" 
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.

 Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart. If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence. This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life; Life will give you back everything you have given to it." 

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. 

The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead.
Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.

The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die.
He jumped even harder and finally made it out. 
When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?” 
The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time. 



Once the Wind and the Sun had an argument. “I am stronger than you,” said the Wind.
“No, you are not,” said the Sun. 
Just at that moment they saw a traveler walking across the road. He was wrapped in a shawl. The Sun and the Wind agreed that whoever could separate the traveller from his shawl was stronger.

The Wind took the first turn. He blew with all his might to tear the traveller’s shawl from his shoulders. But the harder he blew, the tighter the traveller gripped the shawl to his body. The struggle went on till the Wind’s turn was over.

Now it was the Sun’s turn. The Sun smiled warmly. The traveller felt the warmth of the smiling Sun. Soon he let the shawl fall open. The Sun’s smile grew warmer and warmer... hotter and hotter. Now the traveller no longer needed his shawl. He took it off and dropped it on the ground. The Sun was declared stronger than the Wind.  
Moral: Brute force can’t achieve what a gentle smile can. 


 One night, three thieves stole a lot of money from a rich man’s house. They put the money in a bag and went to the forest. They felt very hungry. So, one of them went to a nearby village to buy food. The other two remained in the forest to take care of the bag of money. 

The thief that went for food had an evil idea. He ate his food at a hotel. Then he bought food for his two mates in the forest. He mixed a strong poison with the food. He thought, “Those two will eat this poisoned food and die. Then I will get all the money for myself.” 

Meanwhile, the two wicked men in the forest decided to kill their mate on return. They thought that they would divide the money between the two of them. All the three wicked men carried out their cruel plans. 

The thief who wanted all the money for himself came to the forest with the poisoned food. The two men in the forest hit him and killed him. Then they ate the poisoned food and died. Thus, these evil people met with an evil end. 

 Moral: Evil begets evil 


There was a villager. He was illiterate. He did not know how to read and write. He often saw people wearing spectacles for reading books or papers. He thought, “If I have spectacles, I can also read like these people. I must go to town and buy a pair of spectacles for myself.” 

So one day he went to a town. He entered a spectacles shop He asked the shopkeeper for a pair of spectacles for reading. The shopkeeper gave him various pairs of spectacles and a book. The villager tried all the spectacles one by one. But he could not read anything. He told the shopkeeper that all those spectacles were useless for him. 

The shopkeeper gave him a doubtful look. Then he looked at the book. It was upside down! The shopkeeper said, “Perhaps you don’t know how to read.” The villager said, “No, I don’t. I want to buy spectacles so that I can read like others. But I can’t read with any of these spectacles.” 

The shopkeeper controlled his laughter with great difficulty when he learnt the real problem of his illiterate customer. He explained to the villager, “My dear friend, you are very ignorant. Spectacles don’t help to read or write. They only help you to see better. First of all you must learn to read and write.”  

Moral: Ignorance is blindness. 

 A farmer had five sons. They were strong and hardworking. But they always quarrelled with one another. Sometimes, they even fought. The farmer wanted his sons to stop quarrelling and fighting. He wanted them to live in peace. Plain words of advice or scolding did not have much effect on these young people.

 The farmer always thought what to do to keep his sons united. One day he found an answer to the problem. So he called all his sons together. He showed them a bundle of sticks and said, “I want any of you to break these sticks without separating them from the bundle.” Each of the five sons tried one by one. They used their full strength and skill. But none of them could break the sticks. 

Then the old man separated the sticks and gave each of them just a single stick to break. They broke the sticks easily. The farmer said, “A single stick by itself is weak. It is strong as long as it is tied up in a bundle. Likewise, you will be strong if you are united. You will be weak if you are divided.”  
Moral: United we stand, Divided we fall. 

One day, a rich merchant came to Birbal. He said to Birbal, “I have seven servants in my house. One of them has stolen my bag of precious pearls. Please find out the thief.” So Birbal went to the rich man’s house. 

He called all the seven servants in a room. He gave a stick to each one of them. Then he said, “These are magic sticks. Just now all these sticks are equal in length. Keep them with you and return tomorrow. If there is a thief in the house, his stick will grow an inch longer by tomorrow.” 

The servant who had stolen the bag of pearls was scared. He thought, “If I cut a piece of one inch from my stick, I won’t be caught.” So he cut the stick and made it shorter by one inch. The next day Birbal collected the sticks from the servants. He found that one servant’s stick was short by an inch. Birbal pointed his finger at him and said, “Here is the thief.” The servant confessed to his crime. He returned the bag of pearls. He was sent to jail. 

When King Chow ordered chopsticks made of ivory, Chi Tzu was most perturbed. For he feared that once the king had ivory chopsticks he would not be contend with earthenware, but would want cups of rhinoceros horn and jade ; and instead of beans and vegetables, he would insist on such delicacies as elephant's tail and baby leopard. He would hardly be willing either to wear rough homespun or live under a thatched roof, but would demand silks and splendid mansions.

" It is fear of what this will lead to " said Chi Tzu, " that upsets me. "

Five years later, indeed, King chow had a garden filled with meat, tortured his subjects with hot irons, and caroused in a lake of wine. And so he lost his kingdom.