Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Chapter 1 Plants and Animals
Summary of Big Science Grade 5 Pearson Chapter 1

Vocabulary hal 4
Moth : ngengat    
Goose :angsa
Porcupine: landak
Turtle: kura2
Prickly pear cactus: kaktus pear berduri (buahnya bisa dimakan)

Vocab hal. 5
Characteristics: sifat2
Offspring: keturunan
Heredity: penurunan sifat de orang tua ke anak
Inherit    : diturunkan
Camouflage: kamuflase (menyamakan penampilan dg sekitarnya 
                        sehingga tidak mudah dilihat)
Competition: kompetisi
Advantage: keuntungan

How does each plant and animal protect itself?
Moth : camouflage
Goose : fly
Porcupine: spines
Turtle : hard shell
Cactus : thorn

What     plant           and.  animal   charateristics are inherited ?
Apa yg tumbuhan   dan binatang sifat/cirinya yg diturunkan?
Answer: the shape of the body, the colour of hair or skin, etc.

Vocab hal. 5
Monk : pendeta
Stems: batang
Leaves: daun2
Pods: kantong biji2an
Qualities: sifat2

1. Charateristics are the qualities an organism has.
2. The charteristics of the offspring are inherited from the parents
3. The offsprings are not exactly the same with their parents.
4. The study of herediry learns why offsprings may have different characteristics from their parents.

Exercise: translate this information to Indonesian, use the blank space under the engliash line to write the definitions

Animals and plants inherit their characteristics

from their parents and look very much like them. 

In science, to inherit is to receive characteristics, or 

traits from an organism's parents.

Animals and plants will pass these traits on to their 

own offspring.

The prickly pear cactus has sharp spines. Look at its 

paddle-shaped pads. These are flattened stems that act 

like leaves. They have a waxy coating to help the plant 

hold in moisture. Notice that the pads have two kinds 

of sharp spines. Some spines are long. Other spines 

are short but break off easily. The cactus looks

the way it does because it has inherited these traits.

Characteristic that helps the prickly pear cactus 

survive in a dry environment: it has a waxy coating to 

help the plant hold moisture
(Adopted from Big Science 5 page 6)
Credit gambar sesuai yg dikutip di bawahnyanya

We do not mistake a zebra from any other animals because even though they look like horses but they have white and black stripes on their skins.

Peacock flounder adalah ikan sebelah.
Hak cipta gambar sesuai link yg dikutip dibawah gambar

Kedua mata dari ikan ada di satu sisinya, sisi lainnya tanpa mata.
Ikan ini juga tubuhnya gepeng, selain itu dia bisa berubah warna sesuai dg warna sekitarnya sehingga mengejutkan bagi pemangsanya dan dengan demikian terhindar dari pemangsa. 
Sifat2 dan kemampuan ikan tersebut adalah sifat yg diturunkan.

Manusia juga menurunkan sifat2nya pada anaknya.
Misalnya warna rambut, kulit, tinggi atau pendek seseorang. Namun kadang2 anak bisa lebih tinggi dari orang tuanya ataupun sebaliknya. Jadi yg anak dan orang tua bisa jadi tidak begitu mirip, inilah yg diamari oleh Gregor Mendel dannpada akhirnya muncullah cabang ilmu yg disebut Hededity.

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