Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lapis Daging

Lapis daging

Presto 1 kilo daging yg sdh dimarinate dg:
0,5 sdt ngohiong
0.25 sdt garam
0.25 sdt paprika bakar/ smoked paprika
0.5 sdt gula
1 sdm kecap asin
Marinate beberapa jam
Tim dlm panci presto 10menit.
Daging bisa disimpan utk bbrp masakan yg berbeda.

Utk masakan ini saya hanya butuh kira2  kurang dari setengah porsinya. Daging diiris tipis dan dibakar dg sedikit minyak.

Sausnya dari kuah yg ditambah dg 2 sdm gula merah, sedikit smoked paprika dan cabe halus, panaskan sekitar 7 menit sampai saus mengental.

1 kilo of meat...seasoned with
0.5 teaspoon five spices
0.25 tea spoon Salt
0.25 tea spoon Smoked paprika
0.5 tea spoon sugar
1 table spoon salty sauce
Marinate for a few hours.
With little water presto for 15 minutes.

When the meat cools down, slice thinly.

We can use the meat for various purpose and take as much as we need only.

To make this I only need less than half of the whole ready meat, slice it and use a little oil to stir fry.

To make the sauce I use a little of the soup and add 2 spoons palm sugar and season with oregano and smoked paprika and some chilly, heat it for about 7 minutes stir it until the solution becomes thicker.

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