Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sup Jamur Merang/ Paddy Straw Mushroom

Sup Jamur Merang/Paddy Straw Mushroom
Sup jamur merang...
sup yg suka mamiku buat waktu aku kecil...membawa kenangan indah masa kecil saat semua kumpul makan bersama.

Paddy straw mushroom soup
My mum made this recipe when I was a kid. This cooking brings back  the good memory of the past when the whole family ate together.

Translation of the recipe is underneath

Simple buatnya tapi aku suka heran ada yg namanya micin jamur krn jamur inipun rasanya mirip kaldu ayam.... 250 gram jamur, tiap jamur potong jadi 4
5 buah cabe merah, iris
5 buah bawang merah, iris tipis
Garam secukupnya
1 sdt Gula
1 sdt minyak wijen
Rebus semuanya dalam 600 ml air kira2 selama 7 menit
Dan siap.... Easy to make but I think it is delicious. I hope you like it too when you try this recipe.
250 gram paddy straw mushroom, each of them cut into 4
5 pieces chilly, chopped.
5  shallot slice finely
Salt enough amount
1 tea spoon sugar
1 tea spoon sesame oil

Boil 600ml water and put all the ingredient s inside, boil about 7 minutes and done!!

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