Thursday, July 25, 2019

Wedang jahe merah

Wedang Jahe Merah
250 gram jahe merah kerok dg ujung sendok kulitnya, geprek
130 gram gula merah batok
1200ml air
Rebus jahe selama 20menit
Tambahkan gula merah yg sdh dihancurkan dg batu uleg.
Rebus sampai gula merah larut dlm air panas.
Biarkan sampai dingin dan saring.

250 gram red ginger, skin with the tip of teaspoon under running water ( brush the skin until it is clean) crush it with a stone.
1200ml water, boil and put ginger in it, boil for 20 minutes with small fire.
130 gram palm sugar put in the ginger water. Boil until it disolve evenly.

Sieve the solution if you want to drink.
It is better to leave the ginger inside the solution to make it more gingery...

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