Saturday, December 15, 2018

Probiotic food: Acar Telor, fermented cauliflower

        Acar Telor

10 telor
1 sdm garam krosok
0,25 sdt kunyit
2 lembar daun salam
1 sdm kecap manis
1 batang daun bawang
1 cabe merah
1 sdt cuka apel
1 sdm Yamasa Soy souce (kecap asin Jepang, opsional )
1 sdm Cabe padang hijau (sisa sambal ijo dari nasi padang),,ini opsional, atau boleh diganti dg cabe hijau segar
Air secukupnya

Rebus air utk melarutkan garam.
Rebus telor sampai matang jangan sampai pecah waktu kupas juga usahakan telor tidak pecah (telor yg pecah akan membuat isi telor terpapar langsung dg garam dan bisa sangat asin)
Campurkan semua bahan

Simpan di kulkas selama 3 hari setelah itu siap dikonsumsi
Bisa bertahan selama 1 minggu atau lebih...tapi jangan kelamaan juga.

Ga tahan nunggu 3 hari, sth fermentasi 24 jam, telor sdh kami makan, rasanya sdh enak.
Keluarkan telor yg akan dimakan 1 jam sblmnya agar tdk dingin wkt dikonsumsi.

Cauliflower carrot fermented with kombucha vinegar

Cauliflower carrot fermentation with kombucha vinegar
Cauliflower 400 gram
1 carrot
0,5 teaspoon of rocky salt
1 bayleaf
1 clove of garlic
200ml water
10ml kombucha vinegar

Rub with salt to clean the carrot
Wash the cabbage under running water and soak 10 minutes in salty water and 1 spoon of vinegar to remove any chemical bcs I am using the ordinary veggie (not the organic one.
Wash the all the veggie to remove excess salt.

Make rocky salt solution
10ml kombucha
Put the veggie into the solution 
Cover the top with a slice of kombucha scobby
Ferment it for 1 day outside refrigerator

Tasting result: smell of cauliflower and taste sour

9 days after being refrigerated the cauliflower is still good the floating one is soft but still good, the sinking cauliflower is still crunchy.
(I do not like the taste though...)

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