Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Rainbow egg

Rainbow egg

 1 tomat diiris cincin besar panggang dg 1 sdm minyak di teflon. Angkat dan sisihkan

Siapkan daun bawang iris
2 telor kocok dg sedikit lada dan garam kocok sampai berbusa.

Panaskan teflon, tuang 1 sdm minyak, tuang telor kocok, taburi dg daun bawang dan tata tomat di atasnya.
Tutup teflon agar panas terperangkap di dalam dan telor matang tanpa dibalik.

Rainbow egg

1 tomato sliced and use a little oil to grill on the pan...care not to broken the rings.

Prepare scallion sliced.

Beat 2 eggs until foamy
A pinch of salt
A pinch of pepper

Use 1 spoons of oil on the pan to fry the egg.
Pour the beaten foamy egg
Sprinkle the scallion
Arrange the tomato
Cover the pan and let the heat trapped inside bcs we don't want to flip over the egg.

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